View Full Version : Hope this helps someone

02-01-11, 18:56

I wasnt really sure where to post this, but here goes..
I have not been on here or a while, just check in everynow again for a bit of reassurance, but just wanted to tell you my story and road to recovery, in the hope it can help someone.
I have suffered anx and dep many years ago when i lost my baby and also after my second child, who is now nearly six, but had been well for over 5 years, still taking anti d's but missing days out for a couple of years, anyway in April this year after a stressful time ( but have been through worse) i had a panic attack at night, i was giving up smoking and was really stressed at work and home, i was lay in bed had the shaking, and felt like something bad was going to happen, it passed and i went back to sleep, but that sent me on a spiral, thinking it was all coming back, constant thoughts, couldnt think of anything else, completely lost my confidence, couldnt go to work, ( ran out crying) panicing going into shops (never had that before ) couldnt sleep, eat, socialise anything, constant thoughts of everything was bad, although i knew logically it wasnt, anyway doc then increased my dose of setraline, sent me over the edge, (just me super sensisitive to them) thought i was dying, losing my mind, horrendous de-personalisation or whatever its called, i went to emergency docs convinced i would be sectioned, he told me straight away to reduce back down to my normal dose, had a couple of weeks on very low mood, but gradually picked up, eventually went back to work, went on holiday, ithink my last major attack was the day i was going, started seeing my friends again, started doing everything that scared me, dont get me wrong it was very hard, and some days were awful, and i still have bad days, crisis of confidence etc.. like is it going to come back, mind chatter, etc.. But what i wanted to say is, I actually hit 40 on Boxing day and had a big 40th birthday party, with everyone there, was on the dancefloor, made a speech it was brilliant, i would never have thought 6 months ago i would be where I am now and I just wanted to say ;you WILL get better, it will take time but it will happen, i think i will always have a bit of anx, its the way I am but I am enjoying life and very thankful.
Take care and Happy New Year x

Veronica H
02-01-11, 19:02
:bighug1:Glad you had a great birthday. Facing the fear after panic is the only answer ultimately, and thanks for sharing your success with us.


02-01-11, 19:04
Thanks, Its good to hear success stories. :yesyes:

02-01-11, 19:05
Very pleased for you lin hope you remain healthy and anxiety & panic free:D

02-01-11, 19:21
Great to read :)
Just to second you will get better. I used to post on this site all the time, to be honest it got be through some of the worst times - even got to the point where I was questioning if it was worth living. I only suffered for just over 6months, but it was a nightmare, panic attacks after panic attack every day , most of the time. Anyway to cut a long story short, I have been anxiety free for nearly 12months and have had a great year. Please don't give up there is light at the end of the tunnel, its just not easy to know that when you are in the middle of it.

02-01-11, 21:19
panic 33: What do you think helped you get well?

03-01-11, 00:41
This is so inspiring to hear :) Well done and thank you for sharing your story.

03-01-11, 13:59
Hi linworth,

Thanks for an inspiring post and a belated happy 40th!

I've made huge steps over the last 6 months also, for some reason 2011 is starting badly for me but I guess it's the post Xmas, gloomy days feeling....hence searching for positive posts like yours!

Clare X

03-01-11, 17:28
Hey Lynne,

Lovely positive post...am so pleased for you!!! Long may it continue.

Belated happy 40th hun!!

Take care.

03-01-11, 17:57
So good to hear!! And inspiring to those who are really struggling! I am one of those that will more than likely have anxiety/depression for the remainer of my life. But, I know it is controllable for me through a variety of measures, medication, diet, exercise...I havea a few bad days, but mainly good days!! ;-)

03-01-11, 19:04
panic 33: What do you think helped you get well?

It was really strange, after over 6months of hell - I woke one day and suddenly believed everything I was experiencing was due to the anxiety [ I had been telling myself that for 6months but still kept doubting things - I couldn't understand why I got the symptoms of anxiety before I felt anxiety etc] Suddenly I believed it ( I know this sound weird) and from that day the effects ( Panic, burning head, dizzyness) all seem to calm down, less and less till after a few weeks it had gone.
Its strange: no matter how much we read and tell oursleves, until we actually believe (feel it) we keep goin back.

I still don't know if I believed it cause my mind was better or the believing made me better ?????