View Full Version : Symptoms of anxiety?

02-01-11, 19:34
Anybody else had these?

I have a strain on the left of my chest.
Off balance, dizzy during the day, sometimes passes returns at night.
The feeling I can't breathe through my nose but panic attack comes to trigger it.
Feel weakness on parts of the body and just want to sit down.

I felt swung towards one side like a boat last night with the off balance thing..anybody else had it? :huh:

02-01-11, 19:43
The off balance, like walking on a boat I got all the time when I was suffering with anxiety. It stopped when my anxiety did. I used to feel week and tired all the time 2, again this went when the anxiety did.

macc noodle
02-01-11, 19:47

At my height of my anxiety I could not even walk straight and used to hold the walls for balance I was so off kilter with it all - thankfully after a course of meds and some CBT, the symptoms were reduced to manageable levels.

Good luck - keep fighting!

02-01-11, 20:25
With the others...Anxiety.

03-01-11, 19:01

Got another symptom question..anybody feel they can't breathe or can't feel themselves breathing? I get into a fix about this too. Sometimes I'm the same if I can't feel my heart too.

And anybody get really weird dreams? I've had vivid ones but they run like tv shows seem to come in the morning if I sleep on until 1pm and I can remember them and they seem to last forever...anybody had that?

03-01-11, 19:04
Hi Phil,

Yes the feeling of not being able to breath is perfectly normal with anxiety. I personally had the 'not breathing' thing more; especially on the day when I ran up the stairs to tell my wife I needed an ambulance as my heart had stopped....hhhmmmm I was the most active dead person ever.

I don't sleep that often so dreams don't seem to be much of a problem for me. Saying that when I do have them they're generally odd and about family, probably to do with PTSD though.

Going home
03-01-11, 19:09
Phil you've asked us about the breathing thing lots of times and its a main symptom of anxiety since breathing and heartrate feature mostly in people who are anxious. Do you forget these things or just ignore the advice? Also, no dreams are normal, they are all wierd...thats the nature of a dream. Dreaming, or at least remembering them, is not an anxiety symptom but some meds can make dreams seem more vivid.

Anna x