View Full Version : Osteoperosis

02-01-11, 21:47
Is osteoperosis brittle bones i have to go for bone scan to detemine if i have it i was scared to post this please be knd ?~

02-01-11, 21:55
Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become thin and weak, and break easily. It frequently goes undiagnosed until a fracture occurs, as there are no warning signs. The spine, wrist and hips are particularly vulnerable to fracture.
I have it in my hips and occasionally get a niggling pain - nothing to bad or to worry about.
It is not brittle bone disease which I think is rickets.

02-01-11, 22:01
osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become thin and weak, and break easily. It frequently goes undiagnosed until a fracture occurs, as there are no warning signs. The spine, wrist and hips are particularly vulnerable to fracture.
I have it in my hips and occasionally get a niggling pain - nothing to bad or to worry about.
It is not brittle bone disease which i think is rickets.whats ricketts

02-01-11, 22:08
Its a very rare disease of the bone which occurs only in children.
Please try to calm down and try not to worry. I've had several bone density scans as I have a family history of arthritis and osteopoirosis. I have got early signs of osteo, but thats something I've got to live with and manage - theres nothing I can do about it.

02-01-11, 22:14

02-01-11, 22:38
Dont be sorry - I'm sorry you are going through this. Believe me, most of us on this forum know what you are going through - we've all been there.
You really must try and take some of the advice members give you. When I was going through what you are now, there were no forums like this - I knew absolutely nothing about anxiety/panic, I was just convinced there was something medically wrong with me.
You have access to this support, knowledge and advice - try and take it, read all you can on here, symptoms, members stories etc and you will realise you are not alone and your symptoms are all anxiety related.