View Full Version : SOME ADVICE WANTED PLS!!!

24-03-06, 13:19
when we say to people we are not coming out for a drink or i cant get in the car or go on holiday etc etc etc. is it because we feel physically ill with the lightheadedness spaciness tension haedaches or is it they njust fear another attack will happen? mines a bit of both and everytime i dont wanna do something because of how i physically feel i think well if this was anxiety i would stull do it and just be scared of what might happen not because i fel ill. hope u understand what i mean? its just a question i wanted to know the answer to i might not get the answer but i might get replys which are satisfying. Maybe this will help other people too.

love ya guys xx

24-03-06, 13:48
Hi I can't give you any advice, but I feel exactly like you ..... I have that lightheadedness, feel sick & faint, so it has stopped me from going out this morning & the thought of going out & it happening makes things worse.

Cath x

24-03-06, 17:51
Hello, I feel exactly the same too. I'm a teacher and I've been avoiding staff meetings because I feel light headed and giddy in them. If I know I have to go out every time I think of it I feel sick - going to see my Mum on Sunday and feeling lightheaded about that already. CBT therapist said I was avoiding which makes the anxiety worse and that I have to start going to staff meetings again but only for a short time and I'm allowed to leave until after the anxiety has passed!! Easier said than done.
Take Care Love Helen

24-03-06, 18:08

I just wanted to say that I have the same feelings too.

My CBT therpist said that I have to face up the feelings and challenge them and "just do it" without analysing how I am feeling or what might happen in the given situation.
It's easier said than done but I am told that with practice it gets easier so here's hoping.


24-03-06, 21:23

Me too! Its a good question and one Ive not really thought about, I think i put it down to my Phyisical symptoms but then I often think these are something more than anxiety so guess its the anxiety deep down that rules this, I struggle to understand how anxiety can cause such physical symptoms but guess this is just part of the learing process! The symptoms are awful and like Helen says, I also am worried about mothers day and going for a meal already - its stange how we avoid certain places / situations and do believe that we have to face up to them - just wish I knew how!

Wendy xx

24-03-06, 23:06
Hi Katy

I think it has something to do with feeling physically ill and the consequences we might face but more to do with it becomes a natural reaction to say no before we think fully about what could happen.

We protect ourselves to the limit where no is the safest option but when we sit and think about it it isnt always the best option because then we are letting this beat us and we are letting a habit take over that we can overcome. I have said no many times friends stopped asking but recently they have tried again and last night i went out for the first time in months with them. I had a great night and became me again.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

24-03-06, 23:26
hi katy

You hit the nail on the head hun, it is a bit of both! Its that vicious cycle we get our selves into: the fear of panic is what actually feeds the anxiety symptoms most of the time (in my experience anyway!)

I guess the idea is to actually go through with it and then we won't associate that situation with panic, (sounds soooooo easy doesnt it, IF ONLY)!!!!

Hope this helps, take care xxx


24-03-06, 23:28
hi katy

You hit the nail on the head hun, it is a bit of both! Its that vicious cycle we get our selves into: the fear of panic is what actually feeds the anxiety symptoms most of the time (in my experience anyway!)

I guess the idea is to actually go through with it and then we won't associate that situation with panic, (sounds soooooo easy doesnt it, IF ONLY)!!!!

Hope this helps, take care xxx


25-03-06, 00:37
Well this is a hard one, the fear of having a attack as been my downfall the last couple of weeks, i was driving my car to work a couple of weeks ago and i had a real bad attack and havent been in my car or been to work since,as i felt so frightened of having another attack, before then i seemed to be doing well with the anxiety but it only takes one bad attack to put me back, since then i have felt worse (dizziness, headaches, tierd etc ) i feel guilty that the anxiety as won over me, i have realised this week that giving in to Anxiety only makes me worse, so on a positive note on Monday i am returning to work and driving there, i have realised Avoidance isnt the answer.

Wish me luck


25-03-06, 01:31
Thank u so much everyone for your advice