View Full Version : Sleep and Anxiety

03-01-11, 00:05
Hi all,

As some of you may have noticed, I'm relatively new here!
But I just wanted to see if anyone else shares/can relate to my problem. I have anxiety that is very up and down, and after receiving CBT and taking Propranolol, I felt like I was getting better, and compared to how I used to be, there is a world of difference.
However, since coming back from Uni for the Christmas holidays, I seem to be slipping back into my old ways. I'm not sure whether its due to too many late nights with old friends, or just alot of sitting around doing nothing and eating lots due to the Festive season! Normally I have quite a busy schedule with Uni/gym/general responsibilities, but now I am usually fine in the daytime, and its as soon as I start thinking about going to sleep, my heart starts beating faster, and I get all panicky while lying down, which ruins my sleep. This, annoyingly has turned into me now being anxious of sleeping, and I know its a vicious circle, but I can't seem to break out of it!

I'm just hoping once I get back into a routine, all will get better...just needed to get it off my chest :)


03-01-11, 02:37
Maybe your too rested? Your body liked the exercise and extra activities that made you tired bit now your not doing much you have a lot of extra energy and this makes sleep difficult. It could be a number of things but at least you know that you have been there before, know what it's like and pulled through. The knowledge you have now of
Anxiety compared to when you first had it makes it a bit easier to control. At least it does for me. Here I am sleepless and browsing the web to occupy my mind instead of letting the worry build up inside me. I'm glad I found this post actually.

Back to normal soon.. 2011 here we come!