View Full Version : Sinus Cancer - Am I the one in a million?

03-01-11, 02:51
Basically - When I clear my sinuses (Blow my left nostril, or "suck" down phlegm from my sinuses) there is often blood present. I have extreme HA like many of you - Obsessive thoughts....it takes over my life.

I have had a ct and the finding are as follows:

I have partial opacification of my left maxillary sinus. In looking at the ct, the "item/mass" seems to be located towards the front and nasal side. From the different CT layers, it looks quazi pyramid shaped and goes about 2/3 up (diagnillay) the middle of the maxillary cavity. There is very small peices of calcifacation within the mass, and IS seemingly NOT effecting any other area of the sinus. No bone invasion nor manipulation of any other area is prevalent. The right Max is very clear . I have had heavy post nasal mucus for a good portion of my life and was never treated for it. I have had streaks of blood/ Pink Phlegm in my septum pretty constant for a period of time (2-3 months) and very periodically months before. I finished a round of Augmenten a few weeks ago, and the blood appearances have minimized and the pink phlegm even more so. I didn't finish the Rx and went back for a follow up where they identified the thing on CT. The first ENT I saw recommended Surgery and thinks it's a fungal ball. I sought out a second opinion. I feel much better with the new doc, and after review he is going to put me on a steriod, and a longer dose of anti's. He too believes it could be fungal. We'll take another look at it in a couple of weeks and see if it has shrunk. No other history of sinus infection that I can account for other than general "hayfever" type symptoms and no virus I can really account for. The last endoscopy I had the ENT said there was some ("polipus imflamation???). Overall, he said not worth worrying about, and follow up in 2-3 weeks. I'm scheduled 2 weeks from 12/20.

Anyway - I'm a wreck. I am a hypochondriac and think obsessively about my health. If takes over my life. I know sinus cancer is a rare occurrence, but it's the only thing I am fixated on (ACC, lymphoma, melanoma or the possibility of any other malignancy is taking me over) From the extensive reading I've done it's most likely a fungal, infection or a slew of other things other than a malignancy. I have not reviewed any CT's where a malignancy didn't invade some other structure or didn't have complete opacification of the cavity. There is generally no cacifacation either like mine has, but hey.....I'm thinking I'm the extremely unlucky one.

In the end, are there any thoughts you have on the likelyhood of what is inside my face what thoughts on probabilities based on what I have described to determine the likelyhood of a malignancy. I know it's not worth worrying about, but I can't get my brain to accept that. Let me know if you have any concerns or questions I need to forward on to my ENT.

I am a 31 yr old male - 165lb - Physically Healthy

Here is the doc's report:

03-01-11, 16:44
There isn't any ENT's with HA around? :)

Going home
03-01-11, 18:36
Hi there, It does sound like its coming from your sinuses but i don't think its anything serious to be honest. I also get streaks of blood in the mucus when I blow my nose and have been off and on for a few years now, but I know that i have sinus problems and that they can be infected sometimes, especially after a head cold, but often just because they want to be :shrug: I don't worry about it because I believe the doctor and the ENT specialist I saw about it. ENT did a thorough exam with the probe inside my nostrils and around my forehead and looked in my ears etc, and told me I had infected sinuses so I believe that is what I have. It can cause painful headaches for me too. I also suffer with hayfever, not severely but sneeze alot. Ive never heard of sinus cancer, what made you think of this? Also, you have gone to alot of trouble to tell us that you are really obsessive about your health and that you are a hypochondriac, will anything we say here reassure you do you think? Most of us here are HA sufferers and there are different levels of it, but we are only fellow sufferers not doctors and so can only share our experiences.

Anna x

Ps..your explanation of your CT scan might read a bit heavy for some people to be honest and this could be why nobody has replied? But the gist of it is that apart from sinus infections, you are ok.

03-01-11, 18:45
The chances of being 1 in a million are pretty slim so I'd try not to panic. I'm sure everything will be just fine.