View Full Version : Inspired to Face Anxiety!!!

03-01-11, 10:13
Last night while channel hopping I discovered Secret Millionaire on the More4 channel.

Last night's one though really hit a nerve. The Secret Millionaire was a lovely guy who had a very successful travel company.
But more importantly this chap had a big problem with ANXIETY.

It's always lovely to watch the Secret Millionaire's helping charities etc - very humbling indeed.

But last night I couldn't get over how brave the Secret Millionaire was. To face his fears and anxiety on TV is gutsy.

Tears were pouring down my face as I watched but not tears of sadness or sympathy.

They were tears of relief - if he can face his fears and be honest on a TV programme then I can defo fight mine in private!!!!

I am sure last nights programme is available on one of the iplayers if anyone is curious.

It was truely inspirational.

04-01-11, 15:41
Secret Millionaire brings people to tears as it is. Sounds like a good episode!

I hope it inspires you enough to keep anxiety away!

paula lynne
04-01-11, 17:16
Ive seen a few ditzy and they are fascinating, and very humbling. Kinda puts things into perspective at times, glad you enjoyed it x