View Full Version : Not sure I can cope with much more

03-01-11, 12:08
Ever since my mum died nearly 2 years ago I have had to look after my dad who is disabled I have a brother but he is useless - I have recently come off sertraline after suffering panic attacks and HA... But dad is poorly and I am now becoming more worried about his health, this in turn is making me ill. I am just getting over a cold and now I think I have a bug on top of it.. Tummy ache, nausea, heartburn. I am just worried that I am going breakdown again I don't want to go back on anti depressants again! Is this it for life now stressing about everything, especially as my main worry is dying and leaving my kids... Everything comes back to that stress. I am a single parent!! :( I really miss my mum! And I am fed up with posting on here feeling sorry for myself!

03-01-11, 12:17
sounds like not a good time for you this also happen to me but when i was 10 i too lost my mum it hurts like hell still does im 36 but dont give up when ur at your lowest u can only go up.
as for feeling sorry for yourself posting on here is for chat and help and to know that although you may feel alone ur not


03-01-11, 12:49
Oh Mel,

I feel for you, caring for a parent is so difficult. I look after my inlaws, it tests my anxiety to the limit I can tell you.
Please don't be fed up posting on here, that's what we are here for. Believe me I have some really low times at the moment. I've cried, been desperate, felt guilty, why me ? you know how it goes!!!!!

I am 550 miles from my family and there is only really me and my partner trying to cope with both of his parents. No one prepares you for any of this do they ????

Do you have a good GP? I have recently found a great one and she is my support. I thought I was going to crumble completley in August.
Are you getting any other help ? A GP can sort some help with social services, there are some great support charities around too. If you want to pm me where you are and more info I am happy to help you get some help.

In the meantime at least see your GP and share how you are feeling - YOU need all the help and support you can get, if your GP isn't very understanding don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion.

Please dont think you are alone hun, I know it feels like it sometimes. Yesterday one of the carers turned up while I was delivering the roast dinner. I sobbed my heart out to her about our situation. Xmas day was awful, believe me. The carer was lovely and I feel like we finally getting some good support from neighbours, carers, church minister etc.

Mel keep talking to us - we are here anytime you like.

Oh and :bighug1:for you and your kidsx