View Full Version : Have my final hours arrived ? please read......

03-01-11, 13:34
I just slept twice in one day, I still feel " sleepy " ? not the right word, " disconnected " hardly gets close. I can barely type, it's taking more minutes than needed to construct a sentence. I have also been experiencing a profusion of dreams, one next to the after. I still feel sharp pain and adrenaline surges even after this mess....reassure me someone, anyone please...

margaret jones
03-01-11, 13:37
Chrisk sorry you are feeling poorly are you at home ?? if so why not just rest and regain your energy levels and see how you feel later xx

03-01-11, 13:40
Yes, but I'm anxious about sleeping too much.

03-01-11, 13:50
sleeping is your brain and body's way of making you better when we get into a state believe me it tiers you ,its not bad i suggest you go with it put on relaxing music and just go with the feeling it wont harm you believe me x

03-01-11, 13:58
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad ChrisK x x:hugs:

You sound like you are just phsically and mentally drained of energy and absolutely shattered. If you've been dreaming so much you wont actually have have been sleeping properly and getting a good enough rest so you will be really really tired.

The adrenaline surges wont be helping either as you need to relax and sleep but you're body is thinking otherwise.

Hard as it sounds you must try to ignore all the surges and other pains and symptoms... if you don't and you worry about them then you will just make them happen more and more. THEY CAN'T HURT YOU AND THEY CAN'T KILL YOU they are JUST PLAYING NASTY GAMES WITH YOU.

I used to get absolutely loads of them along with ahuge list of other nasties that went with them and they left me drained, feeling so 'ill' and completely unable to function properly too. Even simple things like talking to people or washing the dishes was a hardship.

But after reading the book by Dr Claire Weeks which explained in a straight forward way WHY they happen and how to stop them by desensiting yourself to them and the vicious circle of thoughts, actions and worry that only fuels them and all the other associated horrible symptoms and pains that go side by side with it all THEY ALL STARTED TO GO !!

YOU CAN STOP THEM ... you just have to try and take control back of your mind, body and everything else and IT WORKED FOR ME WITHIN A FEW WEEKS.

Nothing clever or complicated just IGNORE.. let it happen and do not dwell, worry or even give it any thought.

Hard to do at first but I just used to say "Hello grots, you back again then.. sorry but I'm busy at the moment so I cant give you any of my time.. I know you can't hurt me or kill me so you are wasting your time... I'm not even going to fight you cos I know you want me to do that cos it fuels you with more adrenaline SO SOD OFF I'm BUSY"

Sounds mad I know and that not exactly how she tells you to do it as she says to just 'float' but this way worked for me too.

You can buy the book from NMP or from amazon and it explains the lot and makes a huge amount of sense. Even better because you then understand WHY it happens and how without realising it you are fueling it you stop worrying about it all so much and it subsides.

Hope you feel better soon, these aren't your final hours, these are the hours which hopefully, if you are like me and have had enough, will make you realsie that YOU CAN AND WILL TAKE BACK CONTROL of YOUR LIFE x x x

03-01-11, 14:03
Thank you so much.

03-01-11, 20:40
Great advice from Dizz. Hope you are asleep right now...please check in when you can and tell us that you did it! The book helped me at the beginning... please re-read Dizz's advice...it is empowering and it is TRUE!