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View Full Version : Never had this symptom before

03-01-11, 13:41
Ive been struggling with an anxiety attack for two days now and ive got this weird feeling on my head. My temples feel really tight and my forehead feels like its frowning really bad. A heavy feeling. My eyes also feel strange as well, like i have to open them really wide to that i can see properly (even though i can anyway). These symptoms are all new for me so i take it its another one of anxiety?

Forgot to say my ears also feel fullness but i didnt have anything of this until the attack.

03-01-11, 14:09
It's all just caused by tension in your head/neck etc Mabelina.

I get exactly the same (although nowhere near as much as I used to) sort of like having a tight band around my head and that my brain was too big to fit inside my skull as was trying to burst out. Same with the eyes and ears too.

My chiropractor explained that the scalp and face is all covered of tiny muscles which all go tense.. they eyes have many muscles too and the same happens there.
It's actually the outside of your head and not the inside.

She advised relaxing of course but more so watching my posture and NOT to sit tense all the time... I never realsied I did until she pointed out that I was while I was talking to her. The number of times I found my self with my shoulders up and tense or my jaw and teeth clenches whilst I was when watching TV or on the computer etc was shocking once I had reallised.

She also advised relaxing deeps breaths, drinking plenty of water regularly and eating a good balance of veg etc and taking multivitams as my diet was naff.

paula lynne
03-01-11, 14:37
Hiya, it may be sinus pain, it can give you a full heavy feeling in your head, and also your ears are affected....try massaging the bridge of your nose, under your eyes, and your temples. A hot shower with the spray on your head can also help. x

03-01-11, 15:09
Thanks for your replies both:)

I was awfully tired all day yesterday, to the point where i could hardly keep my eyes open so i was having to kind of squint. That could also have something to do with it, all the tension of not being able to relax. My neck is aching too.

If it were sinus trouble, wouldnt my nose be stuffy?

paula lynne
03-01-11, 16:47
Not always, sometimes sinus pain presents more as pressure. Anyway, hope you feel better soon x