View Full Version : oniga and other oils

24-03-06, 15:50
Latest discovery, they now say there is no evidence that omega 3 and fishy oils do us any good lol. Its drink Deafen and not caffine then later don’t drink deaf the chemicals to make it are bad for you, Eat butter too don’t eat margarine spread because its like eating plastic. How many times do there researchers change there minds? Do anyone really know whets good for us or not good for us. I used to stick to all these rules and follow what the experts recommended, but the amount of times they change there mind I now just eat and drink what I want and feel no different at all.

24-03-06, 15:50
Sorry omega

24-03-06, 16:05
hey vernon you are right. apparently it used to be thought thaat chrisps were good for you.

i genuinely think my mums phrase is right

"everything in moderation and moderation in everything"

heap on that a lorry load of peace of mind and your on the right road

i used to be anorexic, and even after recovery i was mighty strict. now hoever i am less controlling and allow myself a bit of most things.

also the fresher the better, fruit veg, etc. generally i eat around 10 or more pieces of fruit and veg a day, either juiced or whole

i know you didnt ask for my lifes story and im sorry, just went off on one


26-03-06, 07:55
I agree they change all the time with many things but where did you find tha discovery info about omega 3? I would like to read it.

It condradicts millions of studies done including recently for many illnesses and general good health.


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