View Full Version : Start Citalopram ??

Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 15:52
Just been to get my first lot of Citalopram and although I am totally desperate for some relief from all the symptoms like shortness of breath,choking etc etc I am scared stiff of taking the meds due to the negative side effects mentioned all over the Internet.

I tried Linden method which did not work for me at all and I've became obsessed wiht NOT taking meds

All in all really confused, desperate and in need of some advice ??!!

03-01-11, 16:02
Yes i had side effects for about 2 weeks, then i felt great. ive been on them for a year now, and theyve been my lifesaver. Just accept that they are JUST side effects, thats all, they CANNOT hurt you! tke cre and good luck x

Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 16:13
Thanks Crazyhayz

Thats just what i needed to hear after reading every negative comment possible about Citalopram !!

Did you ever get the choking sensations along with the shortness of breath, which I must admit are the ones that I cannot seem to get my head around without being convinced that it is a REAL medical problem ??

Just wish I wasnt such a deep thinker about everything which probably makes it worse !:hugs:

03-01-11, 16:18
Hi Blue Order, I been on them for over 6 months now and know exactly how you feel, I too was worried for the side effects as I have vaso vagal and get dizzy spells anyway. I found the best way to hold down on the side effects being too much was to take them every other day for 2 weeks and then move to every day. This did help and my side effects were very minimal so give them a go and think of the positive outcome that will come your way once you've settled into taking them.

Good luck and Happy New Year to you xx


Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 16:30
Thanks Dollie

I will start them and take your advice on the every other day thing

Happy New Year xx

03-01-11, 16:46
Hey Blue Order,

I'll always offer you a positive post about citalopram! For me, the anxiety and it's physical symptoms was much worse over a length of time than 2-4 weeks of side effects.

For a few days they were tough, but not once was I unable to look after my 2 hyperactive boys, tiring as it was (is), didn't have time off work, although timed starting the cit on my days off, before long the side effects subsided and I realised so had the anxiety - thank goodness!

It's not an easy ride maintaining an anxious free life and I'm still having blips, but it's important to try and figure out strategies to help once the cit kicks in and gives your head the breathing space it needs.

It is so worth it chuck!

Keep us posted X

Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 16:53
Thanks Happy Camper

I'm relieved that there are some people like you that have has a positive experience and this will give me the confidence to start the meds.

Do they get rid of the breathlessnes and choking that I have suffered with and in general do they allow you to get out of the bad habits that this awful condition seems to create ??

Happy New Year x

03-01-11, 17:03
They are different for everyone. It cut down my constant breathlessness by about half so wasnt atall bad, i still get it now but i just accept its ONLY anxiety, caused by overbreathing and nothing more.

Its all trial and error, just give it a go and if its not for you then try something else. But basically I was having 30 panic attacks a day, and constant anxiety physical symptoms, started taking citalopram as a paramedic told me citalopram is the best for least difficult side effects. i just got bit of dizziness and dry mouth really. I was more anxious but thats to be expected for the first 2 weeks or so.

Good luck x

03-01-11, 17:05
I would say if the breathlessness and choking if definitely related to anxiety then yes, if the cit does it's job for you, things like that would subside. Have you had that all checked out?

The bad habits - well, the cit does allow you to see things much more rationally to enable you to work on how to tackle these, but I think most people do have to try and work on them through self help strategies - reading up on anxiety and, practising things such as relaxation, it's like resting the mind to allow a little space for it's recovery, positive thinking etc, CBT is very useful for many people, have you considered asking about that?

It's like a whole change of lifestyle almost, that's probably an exaggeration, but I feel I constantly have to keep my eye on the ball or might slip down the anxiety path again.

Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 17:18
I've had every possible cardiac and other chest,breathing investigation going which have all come back clear and I am able to run 4/5 times per week for 40 minutes without too much of a problem (it's when I stop that the breathing problems start !!)and its just that I still hold onto 1% of the belief that this is a medical problem (it used to be 99% that I was convinced it is medical) I put the last two weeks ( of feeling really ill culminating in a choking/sickness incident followed by paramedic visit to the house) down to the pressure of xmas and having to go out etc even when I felt ill and the sickness thing down to New Years eve/day alocohol excess which just masked the symptoms for the first time in ages - BIG MISTAKE ! The paramedic also said that Citalopram is the only thing left for me to try and that he 'couldn't do anything for me' so maybe I will finally get the message and go down the Meds route.

I blame my distrust of meds on the Linden Method and general bad press on the Internet, I'm just glad that there are genuine people like you who have some positve stories - Thanks x

03-01-11, 17:24
Just googled the Linden Method, never heard of it before, the web site is pages long but hasn't really enlightened me into how it actually does what it says...? How did you find it work for you? X

03-01-11, 17:26
I started on 20mg Cit 9 weeks ago. The first 2 weeks were tough but then it got better. It has really helped with my anxiety but not so much with my depression, so seeing my GP tomorrow to up my dose to 30mg. I also go to counselling as I know that meds on their own are not the answer. Good luck on your journey.

There is a Citalopram board on here if you want to share your journey on there as well. xx


Blue Order 1972
03-01-11, 17:43
A mate of mine gave me his booklet and relaxation cd's it all made me feel better at first but then went downhill after that and I ended up not believing the method as it all became a bit too long wonded and totally anti medication I must admit that this two weeks of 'hell' is putting me off the cit but I will have to give them a go as I'm really struggling today and yesterday with the choking and paramedic was the worst day i've ever had !