View Full Version : positive step

becks xxx
03-01-11, 17:15
Hi guys just thought id right something positive on here :-)
Was doing quite well a few months back!! Then a lot happened with family ill and tragically loosing ny pup, so the past few weeks ive done absolutely nothing except feel sorry for myself!! Which of course made things 10 times worse..
However im back in the game! The other day i lost all hope and was so close to turning to meds for the first time, but i never thankgod :-) as always promised myself i wouldn't !
Went for a walk today, to the shop, got me out for abit, nice bit of fresh air done me good i reckon.. Wasn't much but its a start again
2morrow i need to go to a shop in town, will probs only go to the one shop but again its a start! And then off to friends house for a few hours to have a catch up.. Wednesday am back at skl ! Only 5 months till i leave, really working myself up over that! But got so much to look forward to - new pup in 2 weeks time, concert in june etc that im gonna try and keep focusing on positives!! Hope every one is doing well, would be nice to hear the successes everyone else is having too x x

paula lynne
03-01-11, 17:17

becks xxx
03-01-11, 17:20
Thanks Paula!! Hope your well x

paula lynne
03-01-11, 17:23
Better thanks love, and like you, going out when I can....little steps.....still get there in the end! Keep it up, your post is positively glowing!! x:D

becks xxx
03-01-11, 18:46
Oh good i am glad , keep it up!