View Full Version : Leukemia/lymphoma worries

03-01-11, 18:36
Arghhh someone please help me, im going out if my mind worrying about this. Ive been ill for about three weeks with flu that developed into a chest and throat infection, went the doctors who prescribed antibiotics, after about a week of being on these I developed an itchy rash all over my body, so last week I went back the doctors she felt my neck and ask some questions then said that she thinks that it may be a reaction to the antibiotics so she prescribed anti histamine tablets, within the first day these had started to work and the rash disapeared, the thing is 3 weeks on Im still feelin ill with a runny nose and sore throat, so of course ive been googling and its came back that ive got this leukemia or lymphoma so again im in a right panic and think its this as I havent really felt well in three weeks. My husband hasnt been well either and all my family have caught this flu at some point over the christmas holidays and my husband said that if ive got cancer then we must all have it as we have all beeen ill for the same amount of time< im just really really scared at the mo and it doesnt help that my friends dad has just been diagnosed with Hodgkins disease seems like its everywhere rite now, sorry for the long post im just scared witless and I really did think that my health anxiety was getting better aswell, oh i hate this

03-01-11, 18:48
I'd say you've got a health dose of the virus that's currently going around. I'm sure there's more to the big "Cs" than a snotty nose; plus your GP would have picked up on it when you went to see them.

A hot toddy and bath before bed for the next few days and you'll be right as rain.

03-01-11, 18:57
Everyone seems to have it at the moment and it is lasting upwards of 2-3 weeks so don't worry.

It is not cancer at all.

03-01-11, 19:27
Ive had this myself and it will be 3 weeks tommorow .Ive felt really ill all over the christmas and new year period .I cant remember feeling so bad for years .Today I feel a lot better and ive found ,getting plenty of sleep has helped .My cough has now turned into the annoying type where you have massive coughing fits .Then nothing for hours .Im sure you will start to feel better soon .Get plenty of rest vit c and fluids .Painkillers and some throat sweets will help with the sore throat .Olbas oil will help clear your chest .Being indoors makes you feel worse ,so try to get some fresh air and wrap up warm .Take care luv Sue xx