View Full Version : intrusive thoughts about others?

03-01-11, 19:23
Does anyone get this? I don't mean the thoughts of self harm or suicidal ideation but of something, anything, it would be different for everyone, so awful it is terrifying? I am in an absolute state here because I am having this just now. It is not about me, it is about my daughter. I can't even say what it is it is too awful and terrftying an image. I can cope when they are about me but not my kids.

Logically I can tell myself it is an image, it is anxiety. I have had it before, although never as bad as this for a lot od years. I can't cope with bad thoughts regarding my kids. It is too real and too terrifying. It is like an image of one of the most terrifying things I can think of has been etched on my brain and I am had to check it isn't real. I have checked and I know I need not to keep on checking or it becomes a need and that need needs to be kept in check.

I feel sick with fear. I feel if I don't do something.......then this thing will happen.....but I sort of know it will not........but I am frightened it will.
I know it is intrusive thoughts and I can't believe I am getting it so bad. Like someone is playing with my mind.

Anyone else? What do you do? Does anyone take valium to help? Does it? I have valium there but I have to be careful how often I take it.


03-01-11, 19:45
Dear Happyone ....they are just thoughts, that's all. As my therapist says - if you think you are going to win the lottery, do you? I keep this thought in my mind when it goes into overdrive. Not easy, I know, but recently I felt so awful (like you, nothing to do with self harm or anything, just bad negative thoughts normally associated with health/accident etc regarding me or my family) that I wanted to bang my head on the wall to stop the thoughts. When I spoke to my therapist about it he talked about the lottery and it helped me cos I haven't ever won! I am not on any medication but I do have some diazepam and I did take it when I was really bad and, yes, it helped. I am a bit worried to take it often as I know it is addictive. Thinking of taking some now though as my son is going back to Australia on Wednesday and I can't bear it. I miss him so very much. Take care xxx

03-01-11, 20:18
Hi Happyone,

Sorry to hear your going though a rough timed, with these thoughts, I agree with jillyb.

I hope you find in someway to help you with these thoughts, I will keep yyou in my prayers.

I have missed you, hope you are well. sending you hugs..:hugs::hugs::hugs:


Captain Caveman
03-01-11, 22:04
Hi Happyone. Does this article relate to your problem? http://westsuffolkpsych.homestead.com/But_I_Love_My_Kids.html

03-01-11, 22:29
I also get intrusive thoughts and like you is usually about my kids. The other day my daughter (8) and I were walking the dog next to a busy road . she was waking too close to the road I started thinking what if she fell and a car ran over her head. I couldnt stand it my body was instantly flooded with adrenallin and i felt ill. Irrational to others but quite devestating to me . Sorry that probably doesnt help but i didnt want you to think you were alone.
regards Sarah

mr badger
05-01-11, 09:27
When I'm not ding well I fixate on my wife coming to harm.

We both ride motorbikes (she commutes to work onhers) so you can imagine what goes through my head.

I also fret about her becoming ill and dying.

Thoughts come and go - I really hope we all break this particularly destructive habit.