View Full Version : slow pulse but anxious

03-01-11, 21:08

Having a really hard time at the moment. Just when i think i am on top of things then WHAM i get hit by a whole new set of symptoms. Think i have been suffering from a really bad bout of acid reflux, something i have not had before but now had for a week. It has given me loads of ectopics and more of the ones that feel a bit painful. Anyway this has left me really aware of my pulse again. The last few days it has been beating at about 64 beats per min which is slow for me, mine is always in the 80's. Added to this i have just had a little panic attack (at least i think it was one) and have checked my pulse and it seems to be still slow. Why wouldnt my heart rate increase of i was panicky?

Im so upset i am posting because i only post when having a bad time :weep:.
Having that horrible feeling that its not panic that i am feeling but im actually having the feelings someone has just before they die. So silly i know but cant get it out of my mind


03-01-11, 21:21
Hi ... really its strange to have panic attack without high rate of pulse is normal

is it logical to have burn sensations during panic attack ? and only burn sensations
is it logical to have numb in left leg for ten days and because of panic attack ?

this is your mind generate all these things ... i used to have all these things before
and i could kill everything without any drug

its all about the start point .... start from the point you know that you have panic attack
once you have it just remind your brain .... its the attack time ... during the attack
do not do anything just go out and breath well ... thats it
you have have nothing .... :) very simple and easy treatment and this is logical as you have nothing :)

05-01-11, 18:27
This is so sounds like me. My heart rate can sometimes be 58 beats a minute, and have been really anxious at the time, its so strange.

People worry about fast heart beats but slow ones just as bad. I've had it on and off now for months and nothing worse has happened to me!

05-01-11, 19:42
Thank you for your replys. Feeling much calmer about things today, still seems weird that despite feeling incredibly anxious my pulse was 'slow', seems to go against everything i have learnt about why my heart beats fast when i am anxious!

Do you ever find periods where your heartbeats slower than normal? My heart rate has nearly always been quite high say 80+ but over the last few days it has been between 60 and 65 and the last week has been quite bad for me in terms of anxiety.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr if only i could stop worrying about my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-01-11, 07:18
hello.my pulse sits usually from 60 to 65 ish even when im wandering about the house doing housework,sometimes it goes down to 58,and this scares me,i mentioned it to my doctor and she said it was fine so longs i wasnt going about fainting ,aldo been having few thudding ectopics last week or so,yesterday was doing dishes and all of a sudden thud thud thud,was really aware of my heart beating,checked my pulse wasnt going fast at the time,i did sent it up to 76 about 5 mins after through sheer panic,i cant win slow pulse am freaking out ,fast pulse same,back to the low pulse thing,i seen a cardiologist couple months back,i told him about it being 60 bpm and he said what do u expect it to be lol and it was a good pulse rate,ive had 4 ecg's echo,chest x ray ,loads blood tests but i still cant believe there nothing wrong with my heart :-(,hope u feel better soon