View Full Version : Constantly hungry, tired and drained

03-01-11, 21:46
Hi guys,

I am getting a little concerned by a hunger-type feeling which has started to appear nearly every minute of everyday.
I eat normal amounts of food, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also snack in-between like every normal person. However recently I have been feeling ridiculously hungry even 5 minutes after eating. It feels like a hungry feeling but I don't know if it is, it comes up into my throat and I have to burp. It also sometimes feels as though I have stomach cramp.

Of course, the first thing that came to mind was stomach cancer and now the second and third things are stomach ulcer and TAPEWORM - my biggest fear.
Its making me really quite worried as the hunger is severe when I wake up in the morning, I feel sick and nauseous and horribly empty.

What does everyone think?
Should I go to the doctors? Its so uncomfortable.

I have also been feeling very very tired, to the point of when I wake up in the morning I am fine and two or three hours later I feel so tired I just want to lay down and sleep. I cant concentrate on anything either. Please help.

macc noodle
03-01-11, 22:12
Hey there, just read your post and I think it is safe to say that these are just side effects of anxiety. When we are anxious we do not actually digest our food properly as our stomach etc is in a state of permanent flux - this can lead to always feeling hungry and a growling stomach then feeling bloated, windy and nauseous.

Have you tried any herbal teas to aid digestion - peppermint is excellent and camomile is fabulous for calming properties.

Take care

05-01-11, 10:30
I'm not sure that it is anxiety though because I've had anxiety before with this sort of thing but its never been as bad.
I'm petrified that I'm going to have to have tests and a camera down my throat into my stomach etc.

I have the doctors on Friday morning :(

05-01-11, 10:35
I think you should go see the doc but im really sure that they will just give you something to settle the acid down. Those symtoms are what I had with excess stomach acid - caused by worrying/anxiety / stress.

Think you are doing snowball effect with your thoughts when you have no reason to luv
