View Full Version : Anyone get eye things with anxiety?

03-01-11, 23:23
There is one anxiety symptom that I cant really find any info about, eye movement and weakness. Its not with all panic/anxiety attacks, only some. What seems to happen is that my back gets very weak and my eyes seem to get 'stuck' in the back of my head, might only last for a few seconds for a few minutes but not pleasant. I cant seem to move my eyes either, they just roll back and stay there.

Anyone else get this?

04-01-11, 09:15

04-01-11, 09:17
i get achy eyes and they feel weak/ not sure if its the same for you though.

04-01-11, 10:12
Yes me, in fact it was my first symptom many many years ago only I didn’t realise it then although others did.
I started getting eye trouble about twenty years ago (still do) visited many opticians and doctors and ultimately private eye specialist. At the time one or two of them said do I suffer stress or anxiety but I said no because at the time I didn’t think I did. Now quite often I get, what I describe as, tired achy eyes, sometimes gritty, sometimes specific pain. My wife can always tell when I’m getting anxious because I squint a lot and close my eyes and hold them shut with force so my face contorts.:wacko:
There are a lot of nerves and muscles in the eyes so it’s not surprising really that symptoms manifest here.