View Full Version : weird head feeling/ face - reassurance needed :(

04-01-11, 03:37
I have no idea what it is... But its like a warm tingly (but not tingley) feeling in my left eye (aroind it), cheek and inner ear. Its such a odd thing to describe. I think warm is the best descriptions but its rly horrid. Kind of like tension? Its ok in the mornings.. Then gets worse as day goes on. I was in a shop earlier and I got rly dizzy in the queue so I think its anxiety but I'm not sure. But then when I was distracted earlier by a film it got better. I'm so confused. Has anyone else had this? I need reassurance...

paula lynne
04-01-11, 17:32
Hiya, have you had a cold or virus recently? It could be sinus problems...ask your chemist for advice, usually much quicker than making an appointment for gp. Hope you feel better soon x