View Full Version : New to site! Hello!

04-01-11, 05:28
Just want to say hello and introduce myself a little.
I'm a 38 yr old male who isn't exactly sure what's wrong with my head but it ain't working right if you ask me. I feel anxious a lot of the time but don't know why, I've been feeling really down for a long time too. At times it becomes unbearable. Some days its all good, but when i feel anxious i get snappy, argumentative, untrusting. I struggle to sleep when i feel bad, getting by on just a couple of hours a day sometimes. I really struggle in relationships too, luckily i'm in the most stable one i've ever been in but i still struggle. Mainly around trust and fear of being cheated on. My partner is so understanding but i've pushed it to breaking point at times and she doesn't deserve this. All she has done is try to love me. I think the fear of losing her often causes me to go into self destruct mode and i push her away. My life feels to be spinning out of control at times. I feel so depressed when i get like this that i've contemplated suicide. My self worth has plummeted. I feel like i've nothing to offer her or the world in general. I also struggle with eating. I lost lots of weight and feel unattractive. Am i crackiing up or do other people feel like this??
Please help!

04-01-11, 05:29
Hi losttheplot

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-01-11, 11:03
Hi and welcome

If you trawl the posts on here you will find lots of folk in a similar position.

First thing have you seen your doc? In my opinion it’s not optional you really need to see him/her because there its lots of help either from meds or counselling.

paula lynne
04-01-11, 17:27
Hi, welcome to the forum. I think you need a chat with your gp, as the previous post mentions, meds or councelling may be in order. Its obvious you cant go on like this, and it would be a shame if your loving relationship became a casualty of your anxiety. Time to bite the bullet and ask for help. You can get better. x:welcome: