View Full Version : Burning Sensation In Head

04-01-11, 09:12
Hi, having burning sensations in my head (forehead and left temple) but im not worrying so why is it happening?

04-01-11, 09:20
really scared, getting this every so often in left temple now and my left eyes feel achy and sore and burning :\

04-01-11, 09:42
hi ...
do not worry .... and do not monitor and wait what next otherwise u will get more sensations... its nothing .... do not think about it and do not be scared
99% of people on the earth had same things but the difference between you and them that you care more and program your mind to scare ,,


04-01-11, 09:50
thanks fearing anerysum lol. I will be alone this evening which im dreading.

04-01-11, 09:54
cool ... but do not compare burning sensations every some time
do not ask yourself its now better or worse
do not ask why i have it now as i did not have such stuff before
do not ask shall i tell others
do not ask shall i go to doctor within days if i keep having them
do not ask GOGGLE
do not concentrate in that feeling to see what is that
is it burning or pain

YOU HAVE NOTHING .... YOUR ARE HEALTHY PERSON MY DEAR :) and its easy for others to know but not for yourself :)

04-01-11, 09:56

04-01-11, 09:57
promise :P you will not ?

04-01-11, 09:58
I promise i wont ask google :P but i have a hard time keeping my mind of it. :(

04-01-11, 09:59
Yes I know ...

04-01-11, 10:01
its hard to beleive that it really is nothing i always ask "but if its nothing why wont it pass and why do i keep getting new symptoms" I am going in a down ward spiral and if i dont learn to control it soon i fear going insane.

04-01-11, 10:03
as I told you just get involved deeply in something else ... go and walk do not stay alone if you are not sure you can keep this unreal things in your mind

i know we can not overwrite something real (burning) with something not real (anxiety) as we are logical people

BUT ...what i can say ... this is the true ITS NOT REAL and generated by your mind to keep u think about it as our mind is so power full and we need to control them :)

04-01-11, 10:11
i know exactly what you think ... its about Logic

but we are not TV Device my dear
if we have errors then something cause this error

we are a very wonderful thing that god create and we have 100000000000000 process running at the same time

Just be strong and go ahead ... do not stop there ...
and i am telling you the truth and i am telling what i felt 1000 times what you do
and i spent 1000s $ visiting Drs and tests ... very complicated test not
then simply i relaxed and forget these stuff then everything were gone

this is also not logical :)

you have nothing you have nothing and you have nothing
you are very nice person wants to have fun and do usefull things
this is what you are ok?

sorry for my english

04-01-11, 10:16
thanks. dont worry about your english its fine :)
I am thankful for the NSH in the UK lol or i dont know how i would cope. going to try and keep busy at least until the evening when im alone.

04-01-11, 10:32
anyway i hope you will be not alone :) watch comic film !!!

04-01-11, 16:07
thanks, anyway as i was walking i suddnely got this pain in my left temple, its really hurting me and is still there now. i also took a huge step and put my foot down way to hard and it felt like inside my head was moving lol idk what it was (this was after the pain had started) its really killing me at the moment :\

04-01-11, 16:12
i also feel really sick at the moment

04-01-11, 17:23
It's just adrenaline, happens as a culmination of anxiety. No dangers. Normal.

04-01-11, 17:25
thanks, but it was happening when i wasnt even thinking about it?
but im sure it is :D