View Full Version : difference between panic attack and high anxiety?

04-01-11, 09:52
How do you know when you have a panic attack? or is it just being highly anxious.

04-01-11, 10:00
They don't seem to differ too much. Usually for me it's the high anxiety that brings on the panic attack. I've had two panic attacks this morning already :(

When I have a panic attack, it's usually very sudden and unexpected, whereas anxiety can make me feel horribly uncomfortable all day long.

04-01-11, 10:03
Im not sure if i could say i have ever expirenced a panic attack but a have had sudden moments of panic and i break down in tears and get shacky.

04-01-11, 10:07
Sounds like a panic attack to me. Apparently it can be different for everyone. For me, I just get an overwhelming sense of fear and my heart goes 21984210948mph.

04-01-11, 10:13
the only way to calm my self down is to go sit in a room on my own most times. My heart also races. I was at docs other week and it was 124bpm :)
I also get an overwhelming sense of fear and fear that im choking or having a stroke or some other illness i dont need to worry about. :)

04-01-11, 10:26
124bpm? I can top that for 220bpm lol. It was going so fast I couldn't count it. I usually just phone someone up because it helps to be on the phone to someone.

04-01-11, 11:11
Em-ma 124 is not panic hehehe its little fear related to simple anxiety
your mind jump to worst scenario then you adrenaline comes up this lead to speed up your heart rate pules :)

04-01-11, 11:15
stop finding answers related to your symptoms ... (you hope it is panic and not something related to your heart) its not panic and not heart related issue
its mind related issue
its worry and fear ....

04-01-11, 11:22
Anxiety is that constant fear that sits with you all day and all night but a panic attack that it total run out the door fear. It takes you breath and every bit of life out of you. It sucks and believe me you know when you have had a panic attack.

Hay, you can also have on going panic attacks, this is called panic disorder.


04-01-11, 11:26
some people reach to pint that they worry if they worry or not ... if they have anxiety or panic attack ... and what to do in both cases and what will happen if i do not know what i have
what if i have both or what if i have something else...

this is the issue with HA ... yes DHB panic attack is something very clear and totally different

Blue Order 1972
04-01-11, 12:30
My general anxiety is there 24/7 and it is definitely that which leads onto a panic attack.

I had a choking fit on 2nd Jan where it made me sick at the same time and I cannot tell you how scared I was as I could NOT get breath despite all the breathing exercises etc and coping.

Been generally on really high anxiety level since then expecting it to happen again, which it hasn't and i'm really frustrated that its actually me that is trying to make somoething happen rather than a medical problem which I haven't got !

Just posting this has made me feel a bit worse, anyone have any similar experience and am I right that this thing will not happen again unless I am the one pushing it too much ??!!

04-01-11, 14:40
I think the only difference is that a panic attack is more sudden and dramatic and only lasts a few minutes, where as high anxiety can have the same symptoms, usually not as intense but can last for hours/days.