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04-01-11, 10:56
Been on 10mg Cit for quite a while now and after the first couple of weeks did think I was starting to feel alittle better but not don't and am hesitating about upping to 20mg...the main reason really is that I am having the most awful hot flushes and night sweats. Sometimes I'm sweating so much I have to change my night clothes. I had been trying to ween myself off HRT so at first I thought that might be the reason for the sweating but I've been back on it for a few weeks now but the sweating is no better so I guess it's down to the Cit. Now I'm facing a decision...do I carry on and up the meds or try to ween myself off altogether. I really can't cope with having not much sleep it's making me feel a lot worse plus now I don't want to go to bed (sounds silly as I'm so tired) because I don't think I can stand all the sweating.
Can any of you tell me if you've experienced this and if and when it will stop or will it only stop if I come of the medication.
All in all I think this is making me more depressed than I was before. Hope you can understand all this.

04-01-11, 16:33
I have been on 20mg for 9 weeks and I get night sweats, not every night though, suppose I have got used to it! Its not supposed to last so hopefully it will tail off at some point.

04-01-11, 17:30
Yes I had the sweats too..... must have talied off though as not noticed
them for a while now. Mind has been so dam cold of late I challenge anyone to have a sweat!!!!. :D
OMG I made a joke....... am I actually feeling a bit better today??

04-01-11, 18:03
The night sweats go eventually Once you have reached your theraputic dose and its stabilised .Until then .You could try some Thyme tea .Its good for night sweats but tastes yuk ..Stick to wearing pure cotton it helps a bit ..Hope you feel better soon. Sue x

05-01-11, 10:42
Thanks all for your replies. Strange but I didn't sweat last night...no idea why but had a much better night although I didn't wake quite a few times but without feeling all hot and sticky thank goodness.
All I have to do now is decide if I'm going to up my med to 20mg, still not sure how to do that. Having read on here from quite a few people that they upped to 15mg for a week or so then onto the 20mg so maybe I will try that and see what happens.
Lainie1 x

05-01-11, 11:52
All I have to do now is decide if I'm going to up my med to 20mg, still not sure how to do that. Having read on here from quite a few people that they upped to 15mg for a week or so then onto the 20mg so maybe I will try that and see what happens.
Lainie1 x

That is what I am doing, been on 20mg for 9 weeks, now going up to 30mg, but am taking 25mg for a week to begin with. Good luck. xx

07-01-11, 14:45
Hi, Im middle of week 3 now and I sweat awefully most nights now which used to happen maybe once a week before Cit due to anxiety anyways. In fact its really bad for me because I am alweays jetlagged anyway (I travel alot) and wake up middle of the night and my pillow is soaked and Im sure that the sweat then chills my neck and gives me aweful neck pains for days at a time. Its like my neck catches a cold off my sweat. Anyone else had this issue with neck pains that lasts for days from night sweat? Thanks Dozwold.

11-01-11, 13:52
I can relate to night sweats big style. I have been having them on and off for the last four years. The nurse at the docs joked said it could be down to the male menopause, but then she told me that is a myth, not very helpful.

The doctor said it was due to stress and anxiety. These night sweats are so bad I have to change my night wear and turn the duvet over so that i can at least get back to sleep. I have even wrapped myself in bath towels they have been so bad.

They are usually worse in the morning and start just around the hour before I get up. I wake up gradually and the sweat is pouring out of me, I feel weak and shivery, cold and clammy, and when I do eventually have the energy to get up, I feel as though I have just finished running a marathon.

These night/morning sweats are horrible and scary, and they leave me without any energy for the day. They are also accompanied with lots of nightmares too, very frightening.

I don't know what the answer is to stop them as I have tried nearly everything I can think of, but I'm open to any ideas.

11-01-11, 18:07
Hi all,

This is something I also don't seem to have seen the back of yet. Been on cit 20mg for about 7 months now and the nights are still not great...putting up with it at the moment.

12-01-11, 15:47
Happy Camber - has teh Cit though generealy improved your life a bit? Maybe the nights were worse but better now on Cit? perhaps you can increase dose ever so slightly to get the correct effect.

12-01-11, 16:09
Hi dozwold,

Yes the cit has improved my anxiety no end, the 20mg really helped, been having a blip since the New Year but hopefully that will pass and it's more working on my thinking behaviour that I've been learning.

The nights are just the sweating and then feeling knackered still in the morning, but seem to have cracked getting a 'proper' nights sleep, although doesn't always feel like it!