View Full Version : Feeling weird for not feeling anxious??

04-01-11, 11:28
Do you ever have a day where your actually feeling good,no anxiety at all and then you sit and think to yourself "this is good i dont feel anxious" and then imediately you feel weird because you feel normal for a change and not anxious and then you feel anxious because you felt weird for not feeling anxious??!

Or is it just me?!! :wacko:

04-01-11, 11:45
ive been exactley the same recently. ive had a rubbish xmas with anxiety.and yesterday i fealt really calm i wanted too do things a bit more and i talked too people and fealt calm. bye the evening i started too worry and panic that im bipolar because i fealt good for once and talked too people without being scared . so i know exactley how you feel our brains just dont except there is nothing wrong but i hope in the future they will.hope it helps that you are not alone take care

04-01-11, 13:24
Hello yes ive been feeling like this for a few days now some times it nice in the wrong way to get anxious then ive some thing else to think about how silly is that hope it gets better quick take care

04-01-11, 14:52
I am EXACTLY the same!!!! I've been feeling quite good the last few days, and then I suddenly thought, why am I not feeling anxious? This is weird, this isn't right, etc! Then I started to think, well I will start to feel anxious soon as I always do, so I wonder when it'll happen. So then I spent the day waiting on it happening! It's so annoying! It's like, I can't appreciate and enjoy not feeling anxious, because I'm constantly waiting on the anxiety returning!!! Gahhh!

04-01-11, 15:36
You will get used to the normal feeling and won't think of anxiety at some point. Or if you do, you'll not be anxious of the normal feeling.

Remember what it was like before you had any anxiety? And feeling normal was just.. Normal? I wish I could go back to those days... :)

04-01-11, 16:50
Yes. anxiety becomes our small refuge inside our mind, becoming alienated from other emotions. Completely normal.

04-01-11, 16:58
I am wondering wether now Christmas and New Year is over that its brought a sense of calm to some of us? because about 3 days ago I said to my husband 'it's the first day for 3 weeks i've had no headache and feel ok' but for months before the headaches my anxiety was really bad I just hope it continues this way for us all, its a good start to a New Year anyway.


04-01-11, 17:07
yep me too, its like no, it can t be true

mr badger
04-01-11, 19:38
Nice isn't it? :D

Trouble is sometimes I think I don't deserve it and soon slip back if I'm not careful. :doh:

05-01-11, 07:39
Nice isn't it? :D

Trouble is sometimes I think I don't deserve it and soon slip back if I'm not careful. :doh:

It sure is Mr Badger :yesyes:

I'm not thinking of it too long though in case I trigger something off:winks:

macc noodle
05-01-11, 07:47
Yep - usually grabs me when I am having a lovely long soak in the bath with a good book feeling at one with the world and then BANG - anxiety kicks in followed by a big fact juicy panic attack!

Thankfully though these are getting rarer these days and the good days outnumber the bad - unless of course I am ill and then the HA kicks in and refuses to go away.

Onward and upward - what doesn't kill us can't harm us (or some such pearl of wisdom!!!!!!!!!!)
