View Full Version : Head pressure

04-01-11, 11:30
Hi can anyone relate too this symptom. ive had this really bad head pressure for a while. its not like a headache or migrane its inside my head.my concious mind feels quit clear at times when im busy doing something or talking too someone but its like a background feeling of pressure like theres a million thoughts just bursting too get out.it gets so bad sometimes i really want too scream with it. and sometimes my subconcious will throw noises in too my head like a bang or a crackle bye the way i dont think this is an outside noise or anything wiered. i just feel there is so much rubbish in my head but not in my concious it feels like its goin too explode. ive been through about every life trauma you can get in the past few years.parents divorceing and arguing, close relatives dying,family fueds,bad relationship ending recently, loseing two job, debt,addiction too pescription painkillers(which i didnt know where addictive). im not saying these for sympathy. i just feel like im blocking all this out as its too much. i dont even think or get upset about these things my minds blank but i feel its all just screaming too get out.
also past couple of days ive been in a quit good mood and its scared me(sounds daft i know) ive been thinking of posative things and been more chatty with people but the more i try and do things posative the more i get this pressure in my head its like im unleashing all this stress in a diffrent way my head feels so wound up any advice would be great thanks

04-01-11, 16:06
Guess it's just me then

04-01-11, 16:47

It's definately not just you... there have been loads of topics started describing the exact same thing over the past few days/weeks/months. Can't remember which ones they are off the top of my head (sorry no pun intended) and I haven't got time to find them for you at the moment but if you read some of the more recent topics or tyy the 'search' facility you should find them and all the replies etc x