View Full Version : constant pain

04-01-11, 14:34
Hi for the last 2 weeks or so ive had constant ibs pain either tucked under my left rib and down around my left ovary the pain changes through the day from like a stitch pain to a dull ache but it hardly ever goes it also hurts to stretch some times also im finding it harder to go to the toilet lately which has set my piles off which has made me more anxious anyone else have this x

04-01-11, 18:24
please anyone give me a bit of reasurance x

04-01-11, 18:59
Do you suffer with trapped wind? - a lot of stitch like pain is often trapped wind and you can get is almost anywhere. It could also be muscular. If you are having probs going to the loo, it could also be just a bit of constipation. Eat well, drink lots and take a laxitive if necessary - I'm sure you'll be fine in a few days.
Best wishes

04-01-11, 19:02
hi judipat i do suffer from trapped wind when this pain is bad my whole left side is gurgling and popping and if i dont have wind all my left feels sore and bruised and crampy x

macc noodle
04-01-11, 19:51
Hi bronte,

I have had ibs problems just as you have described which made me very anxious to the point of needing medication to relaxe the spasms and cramps !!

However, once the doc had reassured me that it was nothing serious (ha ha....) I reconciled myself to the fact that it was anxiety related and that I just needed to get the wind out (one way or another) and get some relief.

The good news is that it does not last, and you will feel fine soon.


04-01-11, 23:21
I've had much the same this last week or so. My stomach was making some horrendous noises yesterday - squealing, gurgling, whining and all sorts.:ohmy: I have had pain under my right ribs and this went down to my right ovary not my left as I've only got one. I've been worrying a bit what it was too although I have had this before and it usually just goes away.

05-01-11, 09:37
the pain seems to be making my muscles sore down the left hand side of my stomach too im proberly making it worse by focusing on it but it seems to be all i can think about so its like a vicious circle

05-01-11, 09:48
Have you tried anything like Gaviscon liquid, it might help. :hugs: Focusing on it does make it worse, I've found that so many times with this health anxiety. I've probably had all these things that I suffer from in the past but never gave them a second thought and they went away but the more you think about it the worse the pain gets - it does with me anyway. It's amazing what your mind does to you.

05-01-11, 10:25
Hi Bronte

I get EXACTLY the same feeling with my IBS and sometimes even my tablets don't help which obviously fuels my anxeity and then in turn makes my IBS worse!!!! Some times I can go fore weeks without anything and then it will rear its ugly head again and can lst for weeks.

Hope this helps to reassure you along with all the other replies


05-01-11, 10:54
thanks all for your replies thanks mogwog that as made me feel better and yes jan63 focusing on it does make the pain worse thanks macc noodle ive been given buscopan but it doesnt work that much x

05-01-11, 12:10
My doctor prescribed omeprazole for me and it seemed to work. I don't seem to need it though now although there were days that I thought I'd never do without it again.

05-01-11, 14:44
I've been having loads of problems with my IBS over the last 2-3 months now, and it's sent my anxiety through the roof. I've had loads of symptoms, from wind and stomach noises through to gut cramps, indigestion and changes in bowel habit. My doctor has been very helpful about it; he's convinced it's linked to my anxiety and has warned me that it can go on for months if it gets bad. I'm currently on buscopan, which seems to help at least some of the time.

05-01-11, 19:17
thankyou all i was carrying the hoover upstairs today and the pain intensified all down my left side like a contraction has anyone had that with there ibs the pain is really getting me down im sat here in pain and miserable with the pain x

05-01-11, 23:34
Hi....i just want to say everything u have described is exactly what i am suffering at the moment and have suffered on and off for 2 years now. I have had no tests as such, i have had blood tests and a scan on my overies and all was fine so ibs was the given cause as i had just started suffering anxiety and panic attacks slightly before. The wind pains u have mentioned are what i hate the most!!! Very painful....and i also get upper stomach discomfort very bad. Im currently nearly 37 weeks pregnant and my ibs has been okish up until a couple of weeks ago and by god pregnancy and ibs just really dont go..lol. I am in agony and there is nothing i can really take, the wind pain is terrible...im suffering awful constipation (i now have something to help with that) But i still worry myself to a panic attack that its not ibs and it must be the big c...... just wanted u 2 know that u r not alone with this condition and that i can completley understand how it makes u feel. take care and feel free to pm me anytime.

Debs xx

06-01-11, 10:02
Thankyou so much debs180 that does mean alot to me my upper stomach feels full but the real pain is tucked under my left ribs like my ribs are sticking in to something sometimes and other times it as if theres a football stuck under my ribs and the pain in the left ovary area thats the same sometimes sore pain sometimes bloated pain and sometimes spasms and the rest of the left side of my stomach aches i actually started with my ibs when i was pregnant with my youngest daughter and the pain was round the left ovary then and they sent me for a scan to make sure it wasnt an ectopic pregnancy and your right pregnancy plays havoc with ibs wont be long before youve got your baby in your arms though now it was the most magical time time of my life having my 2 girls thanks again debs180 xx