View Full Version : head pain? really really painful

04-01-11, 16:36
as i was walking i suddnely got this pain in my left temple, its really hurting me and is still there now. i also took a huge step and put my foot down way to hard and it felt like inside my head was moving lol idk what it was (this was after the pain had started) its really killing me at the moment :\
when i came in from the cold my nose started running and now my whole forehead hurts like mad, so much i feel like throwing up. i really want to cry lol. i might go curl up soon and be sick its getting so bad. the thing is i was having a great time until this sharp pain in my temple. grr.

paula lynne
04-01-11, 16:45
Emma ring NHS Direct for advice on 0845 46 47

I think your health anxiety is out of control, but if the pain is that bad you really need professional advice, and we cant give you that here. Please ring NHS Direct, or make an appointment to see your Gp urgently. Get well soon x

04-01-11, 16:47
thanks, it proberly is my sinuses but im really not sure though.

04-01-11, 16:54
im thinking horrible things but mainly anerysum lol

04-01-11, 16:59
It sounds really sinusy Emma. Try filling a bowl with hot water and inhaling the steam for a while, see if it makes you feel any better.

04-01-11, 17:02
will try that. i have Olbas oil shall i use that? :S

04-01-11, 17:03
im just worried about that pain in my left temple otherwise i would think sinuses lol. also earlier on this morning my forehead was burning.

04-01-11, 17:06
i feel a bit snotty in my throat to, could that be given me the dizziness/nausea feeling?

04-01-11, 17:49
scared again lol as felt a little 5 second burning sensation in forehead and now a throb in one my my temples. ouch lol.

04-01-11, 17:53

You really need to stop focusing on your head so much, you feel ever little pain because you are waiting to feel every little pain.
Try focusing on somethig else as soon as your thoughts go to the sensations in your head.
But as Paula said, we are not qualified to give you medical advice so if you honestly think it is something serious then you will have to contact a doctor.
I hope you feel better soon xx

04-01-11, 17:58
thank you. im thinking maybe tension and sinus headaches but i really dont know

04-01-11, 18:43
keep getting thw weird burning :\ really annoying me, just want it all to stop and go away.

macc noodle
04-01-11, 18:44
Emma, hun, you are in serious need of help here - I have just reviewed all your posts over the Christmas period and your anxiety is completely out of control and making your life miserable.

I, and many others, keep making posts to you with suggestions and encouragement but we are not doctors (as has been said previously) and if you genuinely believe that you are so ill, then you need help.

However, I do think that you have an insight into this and know that really deep down these are all symptoms of your HA mixed in with having had one of these nasty viruses over the Christmas period.

Come on Emma, we all want you to get better and gain some control over this - we know you can do it - you just need some help - don't be afraid to tell your doc (and as I have said in previous posts on other threads of yours - print off your postings and show them to the doc. so that they can see exactly how horrible this is for you and how real it is to you).

You will be fine honest.

Take care


04-01-11, 18:44
i hungry but cant bring my self to move and im fearing today is my last :(

macc noodle
04-01-11, 18:45
Come on Emma - today is not your last day - you know that - get up and get some food - if you are that hungry it will not help the head pain only make it worse.

macc noodle
04-01-11, 18:46
Emma, if you feel that bad ask your mum for help.

04-01-11, 18:47
em-em .... what is that pain !!! new pain ? or same story ?

04-01-11, 19:12
i asked my mum and she thinks its just sinus pain :( :S
and it was the sharp pain i had for hours in the side of my head that triggered my anxiety again.

04-01-11, 19:17
aabualia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=33554)- i have u on msn but ur offline at the moment :D

macc noodle
04-01-11, 19:46

Have you have anything to eat yet???


04-01-11, 19:49
I went to have some soup yes :D and gobble up two mince pies yes :D

macc noodle
04-01-11, 19:54
Excellent :) and are you feeling a bit better now??

04-01-11, 19:55
its not as painful but still there and still feeling weird pains/burning feelings in head

04-01-11, 20:14
sounds like a sinus infection to me.

macc noodle
04-01-11, 20:46
I'm with Mandy on the sinus issue which is making all your anxiety go through the roof!!

Keep up the steam and the paracetomol and if it persists see the doc!

Have a good evening :):yesyes:

04-01-11, 21:45
thanks. gonna carry on with steam stuff. vicks makes my eyes water so bad but if its gonna help ill do it also i got a weird pressure feeling on top of my head (all over top of it) for 2 minutes earlier and i heard something pop again lol :\