View Full Version : Eating out anxiety

24-03-06, 19:09
Hi All
My problems with anxiety mean i havent had a meal out in years and tend to avoid restaurant situations as i get panicky & feel sick which means i cant eat! Got a big family meal for dads 50th tomorrow though which i cant avoid, i was just wndering if anyone has any advice for dealing with this sort of situation, I wont be eating as I just dont feel ready to tackle that yet but im dreading sitting there while everyone eats and all the questions i will get.
Thanks for any advice
Suzy xx

24-03-06, 20:19
Hi Suzy

I have been in the same situation but it does get easier with practice.

Tips Sip water when there. Try and find something to distract you. chatting away sometimes helps, relax your shoulders and breathe slowly. Keep reminding yourself you will be OK and think about how you will feel once you have done it. Sit next to someone you feel comfortable with. I used to order something small and pick away at it just to avoid questions.

I will be thinking of you.

Take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

24-03-06, 20:30
uch I know that feeling. I think it has something to do with feeling trapped. You have to wait for the food, and once it ordered you cant really leave without making a scene. But my advice to you is to remember that you can get up and take a break. You can get some fresh air outside, or take a few trips to the restroom. That always helps me... to just get up and walk around.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

24-03-06, 21:07
suzy why wont you eat. surely this will add to the tension if you are not doing what all the others are doing. if you are eating can you not have your head down away from onlookers. will this not occupy you more than sitting thinking about your panic.

would the eating not be a form of distraction

mi not sure what i would do, but to eat would give me something to do with my hands and mouth that would save me having to speak if i feel uncomfortable doing it

i really do hope you eat. i hope you get through it. please let us know how you get on. try to accept your feelings of panic, hard i know. do you have a claire weekes book handy?

24-03-06, 22:54
Hi Suzy

It isnt easy i know that, but you firstly are going and not making excuses not to go, so that is a great step forward. How about ordering some soup or something and if people question you say you have a sore throat. It isnt easy and like you say having nothing to eat will draw more attention to yourself. Even a salad something small that you can pick at and this will distract you worrying about being sat there.

Let us know how it goes

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

24-03-06, 23:54
Hi Suzy,

i have been having CBT and realised its not the resturants or going places that are a problem its my thoughts that are the problem if i know i am going out i.e a resturant, shopping etc i get real worried hours before i have to go, i have been to resturants in the past and had to walk out, i have worried that much about going that i wasnt looking forward to going and of course the negative thoughts take over while i am there. Its my birthday next week and i would love to go out for a meal with my hubby so i am trying to be positive, i have purchased some relaxation tapes and i must admit they seemed to help i find shopping hard to do but this evening i felt alot more relaxed after listening to them and managed to go to my local supermarket without problem, maybe you could do the same before you go out for your meal.

Hope this helps


25-03-06, 10:42
Hi back again!
Thankyou all so much for your kind words of advice and encouragement, it means so much to know people care and understand what i am going through. Feeling really negative today as some so called friends upset me last night and im covered in spots as i am so stressed out dont even ant to leave the house, but im going to do this tonight for myself and my dad :)
Thanks again you are all lovely people xx