View Full Version : Csf leak now?

04-01-11, 17:22
I did a sinus rinse this morning around 830.

I had a massage around 10 for an hour and after getting up from laying on my stomach for an hour a bunch of clear fluid came out of my nose...do I need to go to er?

04-01-11, 19:08
To me it seems logical that the sinus rinse had left some water trapped in your sinses and probably position during massage has allowed it to come out. I once saw a prog on tv about a lady with the problem you are fearing and she had like constant water from her nose all day every day until they worked out what was wrong.

02-08-24, 02:22
Also it's very rare, like 0.1 out of 100,000 people to get this I know this thread is way old but incase someone is looking for answers as to why their nose is dripping, you will also have other symptoms. Also your nose will drip all day every day also It is common for your nose, during a cold to have one side blocked and drip snot during a cold.