View Full Version : hello dere

04-01-11, 18:59
Hey :)

I'll try to keep this relatively short. I'm a 20 year old guy, and have suffered from depression/anxiety for around 2 years. Initally the anxiety started after a traumatic experience (trivial as it might seem to others) in a taxi in the USA. Since then, I suffered from a growing anxiety of transport (ie planes, trains, cars, buses, you name it). I had to travel to university everyday for around an hour and a bit, there and back, and so you can imagine that this anxiety became an issue for me.

I'd always been a glass half empty sort of person, but by no means 'not normal', and had always worried a bit about things, but again nothing massively extreme. I battled on with it for a few months till my first year at uni was finished, and then was unable to find work during that summer due to the recession at the time. This meant I spent the summer unemployed, and therefore with my worries about travel, didn't do particularly much, which lead to depression.

However, once university started again, I began to feel a little better, until a few weeks later my father was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer and went through various operations and radiation treatments (he's fine now though thankfully :)). As I'm sure you'll understand, having to support not only my wory stricken family through this but also myself took a lot out of me, and my uni work suffered accordingly. As a result, near the end of 2nd year (April 2010) I was forced to take voluntary leave for a year.

For a few months, things were on the up, my dad recovered, I eventually managed to turn up a job in a bar, but since then it has rather gone downhill again. I had to leave my job due to quite severe panic attacks occurring randomly in my day to day life, meaning I could not guarantee whether I could do shifts etc, and felt it was putting pressure on me I couldnt cope with so left.

Im currently unemployed and doing nothing, when I feel I should really be with all my friends (from school or uni) in 3rd year, or in a job, and am seeing a therapist as several medications have had very little positive effect.

Anyway I am sure to have missed large bits out this story out, but thought I'd say hi to everyone :)

04-01-11, 19:00
Hi One

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-01-11, 19:11
Howdy, and welcome, my first time on here, you?
Has your gp tried you with inderal? Iv been on it for 12 mnths now' has helped my anxiety loads. Take care hope our paths cross again.

paula lynne
04-01-11, 19:17
Hi One, welcome to yhe forum, youll find lots of help and support here. Sometimes, it takes a couple of posts to find others in the same boat as you, hang in there. :welcome:

04-01-11, 19:22
Thanks guys, I appreciate the warm welcome :)

05-01-11, 14:24
Welcome :)

Vanilla Sky
05-01-11, 20:08
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

07-01-11, 00:18
Hey :) Just thought I'd say hi and also that from reading ur introductory post, u sound an awful lot like me!! I'm 23, from Scotland, started suffering anxiety and agoraphobia earlier this year and had 2 take a year out of uni (should also be in my 3rd year) and had to leave my job because of panic attacks!

Spookily similar! Feel free 2 pm me at any time :)

Emma x