View Full Version : Blip

mr badger
04-01-11, 19:20
First blip today since starting meds in early Dec.

Triggered by feeling poorly with a slight shiverry bug and that 'end of holidays' feeling. Recent step up to 40 mg Cit may also be contributing.

Slept most of the day. Tomorrow's another day. La de Da...

04-01-11, 19:47
Hi Mr Badger,

Tomorrow will be better, it's been a busy two weeks with christmas and new year. Try not to focus on the blip, the road to recovery is not a straight one , unfortunately, but we WILL get there in the end. Take care. x

mr badger
04-01-11, 20:30
Thanks hun. Not too bad but the life's gone out of me today.

Telly for the evening will distract me a bit.

04-01-11, 20:34
You could always try the Games section on NMP..guaranteed to keep your mind occupied.

Or if like me you have the attention span of a gnat, they are guaranteed to drive you up the wall with frustration.

Better day tomorrow :flowers:

paula lynne
04-01-11, 20:35
Hi Mr B, your body is telling you to rest....telly and feet up for you x The new dose will have knocked you about a bit too no doubt. Dont rush, be gentle on yourself. Im sure youll get back into regular sleep soon. x

mr badger
05-01-11, 09:20
Bit blippy again today so slow start. Bit of sofa and blanket until 11 or so.

Sunshine is helping.

05-01-11, 10:14
Hi sorry for the dumb question, what is exactly a blip? ...

mr badger
05-01-11, 13:11
A Blip. A temporary set back in recovery. In my case having a day of low mood and moderate anxiety after 3 excellent weeks.

Sometimes people fear they are having a relapse when its actually just a 'blip'; short lived and hopefully manageable. often caused by changes or meds doses being raised or lowered.

Others may welll be able to define better.

05-01-11, 16:12
o that...silly me...i am having one today than...but i did not change any doses...yes i have these 'blips' (funny word isn t) what s the best thing to do to fight these days? yes ok i m being stupid...

mr badger
05-01-11, 19:32
o that...silly me...i am having one today than...but i did not change any doses...yes i have these 'blips' (funny word isn t) what s the best thing to do to fight these days? yes ok i m being stupid...

Not a daft question at all. I'm trying to accept them first. I've managed to get things done today which is a good thing for my general well being. Some find exercise good, relaxation techniques, meditation, just hanging out with people or nesting quietly.