View Full Version : muscle aches & tension

04-01-11, 19:56
does anyone get really bad muscle tension on their right side of the arm and different areas of their body, and feel tired, my anxiety was caused with my mum passing away and 2moro is the 3rd year anniversary i feel really tense i get the feeling like i am ill and start to worry about different kind of deases, i think its because i am near the anniversary because i get the chest pain more often now and bad headaches at night,

does that happen to anyone else? :huh:


mr badger
04-01-11, 20:37
Yup. I've started grinding my teeth which tends to make my head and neck ache something rotten.

Try this to relive it - shut your eyes and imagine you're breathing in to the tense parts and breathe out from the same place. Let the tension go with the breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Might just help.

05-01-11, 19:42
thankss you gud to know am not alone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-01-11, 19:47
if i take time to actually think about my body i notice that most of my muscles are permanently tense, or ive got some muscle held tense like my left thigh or my right arm or even my toes. I also clench my jaw really tight. If for whatever reason i am feeling quite relaxed it feels strange to feel normal like my muscles are all loose when in fact its just because i am used to being tense! i get back, neck and chest ache from tensing muscles. I also notice soemtimes that i tense and untense muscles a lot without thinking and this can lead to me feeling off balanced


05-01-11, 19:48
ps sorry about your mum. i know that anniversarys are hard times xxx

06-01-11, 18:56
aw thank you... i also get chest ache and other pains but now i am goinng for berevament counselling and cbt xxxxx

06-01-11, 20:31
I too clench my teeth and jaw.....sometimes my face really hurts. Doesn't help that I suffer from sinusitus quite a lot and since starting on cit my nose seems to run even more and my sinus' fill up.

Also I hold my shoulders up and hardly ever relax them down..... so I get a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders and get head aches.....I really need frequent massages but who can afford that?

I think I would benifit from CBT and counselling and hope to be referred soon.

07-01-11, 05:22
sorry anout your mom hunni...my sister has been passed away for 3 years to on the 5th of jan,i know how ur feeling i feel the same way i aslo have pains threw out my body tc if i can help let me know

09-01-11, 13:35
aww its nice to know that there is someone in the same place like me, thank you.. sorry about your sister

09-01-11, 14:39
i too have extremely tight muscles ... evrywhere on my body. I am constantly stretching trying to loosen things up and reduce pain. but they always return to tight and painfull. Joined a yoga class this week so will see if that helps at all. i think my neck and shoulders are so tight it hurts my ears.

09-01-11, 20:02
I suffer down the back of my neck. When my neck's bad my anxiety is bad.

09-01-11, 20:42
if i take time to actually think about my body i notice that most of my muscles are permanently tense, or ive got some muscle held tense like my left thigh or my right arm or even my toes. I also clench my jaw really tight. If for whatever reason i am feeling quite relaxed it feels strange to feel normal like my muscles are all loose when in fact its just because i am used to being tense! i get back, neck and chest ache from tensing muscles. I also notice soemtimes that i tense and untense muscles a lot without thinking and this can lead to me feeling off balanced


im exactly the same just get panicky when my body feels relaxed live in a state of tenision x