View Full Version : Weirdest feeling ever!!!

04-01-11, 21:09
Right in the middle of my chest where my heart is i just felt out of nowhere what felt like my heart 'swelling up'! it happened really slowly like it was comig out of my chest but reallllly slowly, like it was 'growing' inside me... then it went after about 5 seconds... ive never ever felt anything like it! Ive had palps and ectopics n everything of that sort but never this. Im not panicking but its got me a bit on the anxious side... ive had a clear Echo and multiple clear ecg's..but what caused this feeling??? Now it feels weird in that area, like somethings not that heavy is sitting right there, or like theres a constant tightness there... but only a little tightness. not having any pain but im sure i will if i keep feling anxious lol.

what is this??

05-01-11, 04:58
I've had this quite a bit over the last few days, scared the hell out of me too!

IDK what it is for sure but I'd just say trapped air or something most probably, if you've had all those heart tests it's definatley not your heart. xx

05-01-11, 05:26
Before that happened were you feeling anxious or nervous about anything? I was at work and felt some weird feeling in my chest also. A little similiar to what u described? Can anxiety cause that I wonder?