View Full Version : I know...I have asked before buttttttttt

04-01-11, 22:44

Hope all of you had great holidays...I have a question and when I ask it.. Im not sure anyone really understands what im asking..

Update..Im doing better with anxiety and worry but got a little worried again this morning..

Yesterday I worked really hard cleaning out a closet so by the end of the day and in the evening I was very very tired..Unusual for me accept around 12 mid or 1am..

Anyway woke this morning hurting all over from lifting boxes and moving things around..Normal to be achy when you haven't used muscles in awhile.

Im trying very hard and succeeding about not worrying about my pulse etc.. but this morning early I woke..something woke me up ,a sound whatever and with the humidity up and the fan blowing on us..its not unusual for my ears to have stopped up a bit..

My question is........I was in the bathroom and sitting and heard my heart beat in my ear..once again this isn't the problem..im used to it.. hearing my pulse.. but when I hear it that clear.. My pulse sounds like this.. luh dub
luh dub luh dub luh luh luh dub luh dub luh dub dub dub dub lud dub..
Its kind of a gallop sound..Just weird.. I have been to the doctor in recent months who told me they couldn't find anything wrong.. I didn't mention this because I just forgot to ask. However I had a murmur a few years ago
and she said I didn't have it anymore...Well...Years ago when she discovered it..I could hear my pulse then too..and could hear the very samething although what im hearing isn't technically considered a murmur..

Im not sure exactly what it is.. I suppose whatever it is.. maybe its normal for me at least because I don't have any of the symptoms of heart valve disease or afib or other things associated with heart problems accept..I feel like I can't get enough oxygen sometimes..which is probably anxiety since it wouldn't go and come and it would stay..

Sometimes I feel a little lightheaded but that too if associated with heart would not go and come I don't think ..I don't have swollen ankles,legs,and fingers and toes are not blue or blue tinged..I get tired but usually late at night..I am pretty nausea free..and well like I said im pretty symptom free..

If this was a heart problem.. wouldn't I have symptoms and wouldn't they be consistent? Hopefully someone will read this and think about what im saying and know its mostly the sound that worries me. I have listened to a lot of heartbeats online..They have audio files.. and so far have not heard any that sound like mine..Or maybe the heartbeat changes with the way you breathe in or out ,could that be it?

Im not freaking out..Im not anxiety ridden with this.Im not focused on it.I am keeping busy ,I start my day everyday taking a shower and dressing to go out.I try to get out once a day for awhile and then I try to do work around the house that needs to be done..Im hoping this is nothing and there is nothing bad going on with my heart..Anyway if someone could tell me if this sounds normal or not I would appreciate it..Thanks Michael

04-01-11, 22:57
Hi Looking4answers,
I know you're not freaking out etc., you are concerned and all of us are when we come across new 'things' (can't think of the correct adjective). I think if we audibly hear on the internet or through any other medium it will sound different to what we hear in our bodies.
I think I hear what you are describing, at different times of the day. But it is usually after I've been leaning on my ear or I am not concentrating on other things.
I am sure you are fine and maybe mention it next time you see the doc if you want more assurance. Take care x
ps I haven't re read what I've written, so I hope it's understandable

05-01-11, 00:06
Thanks..I just wondered if maybe like you said..what I ear is not what is happening..But to tell you the truth I can sure hear my heartbeat so clear sometimes..just like or better than having a stethoscope on..Thanks for the reply. Michael

05-01-11, 09:27
Hi Michael

I would have thought that your rational suppositions about this are correct - if there was a problem, it would be a consistent (or worsening) one, or it would be bought on by something specific, such as exercise.