View Full Version : Breathing techniques etc?

04-01-11, 23:22
Hi all!

Well, for the last few days I haven't been feeling too anxious (touch wood), so have decided that with the help of my therapist, tomorrow I will be trying a few stops on the train by myself with her getting me on it, and then meeting me when I come off. Pretty scared thinking about it, but trying to remain positive.

Anyway, I just wondered if people could give me like some breathing techniques or other things they do when they feel panic coming on to diffuse it before it becomes a full blown attack? I'm compiling a list of coping mechanisms - I already have some but would like as many as possible, just to have with me before I set off so I can read over it and reassure myself!

Thanks :)

04-01-11, 23:27
Emma, that's real good you're trying the train! I can't give any breathing advise but I'm sure your therapist will give you her best advise - especially as she knows you. Let us know how you get on. xx

04-01-11, 23:43
Thank u, I'll definately report back on how it goes. I've only ever done one stop on the train on my own, did that a few times but felt so bad I gave up and haven't done it since (that was about 4 weeks ago) so tomorrow may start off just one stop, then hopefully increase to 2 or 3 depending on time/how I'm feeling. Hopefully she will have lots of advice 2 give before we set off!

05-01-11, 01:25
Good Luck tomorrow. I too find trains difficult but I am slowly getting there.

05-01-11, 01:43
Hi Emma

For the past few days I have been practicing breathing to control my panic attacks. I take full blown attacks that can last up to an hour.

So I have been practicing breathing in through my nose into my stomach so that my stomach rises, and then breathing back out slowly through my mouth.

Well, all day I have been lest anxious as normal, but just an hour ago I suddenly felt the onset of a panic attack. So I done the breathing as explained, and within 5 breaths the attack just disappeared as quickly as it came, just like that !!!

As I was doing my breathing, I was also telling myself " I am in control, this cannot harm me, panic attack you are not wanted here anymore, I am stronger than you". I know it sounds silly but it does work.

Hope this helps, and please let us know how you get on. Good luck, you can do it !!!!

05-01-11, 11:13
Hi Emma

For the past few days I have been practicing breathing to control my panic attacks. I take full blown attacks that can last up to an hour.

So I have been practicing breathing in through my nose into my stomach so that my stomach rises, and then breathing back out slowly through my mouth.

Well, all day I have been lest anxious as normal, but just an hour ago I suddenly felt the onset of a panic attack. So I done the breathing as explained, and within 5 breaths the attack just disappeared as quickly as it came, just like that !!!

As I was doing my breathing, I was also telling myself " I am in control, this cannot harm me, panic attack you are not wanted here anymore, I am stronger than you". I know it sounds silly but it does work.

Hope this helps, and please let us know how you get on. Good luck, you can do it !!!!

Thank u so much for ur reply, I will definately write down ur breathing techniques and also ur positive statements. I am getting picked up at 3pm, wish it was now just 2 get it done!!!

Blue Order 1972
05-01-11, 16:45
Hi Emma

A breathing technique to stop an attack is to braeth in through your nose as much as physically possible hold for 3 seconds and then let out SLOWLY though your mouth to the count of 10. Hard at first but it really works and can stop an attack before or during one - good luck

05-01-11, 19:10
Emma - how did you get on?

06-01-11, 19:40
Hi! Well... I survived! :yesyes: lol. I managed to do 2 stops on the train 3 times!!! My therapist picked me up and we went up 2 my local train station. We went down 2 the platform and 2 trains had 2 pass us before I finally got on 1, I was just 2 worked up and she said there was no point in me getting on until I had calmed down a bit. I had so much adrenalene (sp?) that I was literally bouncing up and down, walking up and down the platform, etc etc. My heart was racing like crazy. She spoke 2 me and tried calming me down, telling me 2 repeat positive statements in my head, like "I can do this, she will be waiting at the other end on me, no-one will be staring at me, I know what 2 do if I start 2 feel a bit panicky to calm myself down" that kind of thing.

When I was on the train I was terrified. I sat down next 2 a little old lady who I thought looked like she would be helpful if I needed any help. I put on my iPod and sat down. I had written a list of positive statements and breathing techniques and I just kept reading it over and over, and before I knew it I was at my stop! I felt so buzzing when I got off, that I did it again, going back the way this time. Then I did it again!

Now that I've analysed it though, I'm not quite sure how I feel. On the 1 hand, I'm really pleased that I did it, really really pleased. But on the other hand, I am thinking "how many times will I need 2 do this before I feel calm doing it?!" and "that's only 2 stops, 2 get to Glasgow (which is where I'd go for work, for drinks, for everything really), it's 9 stops! I just feel like, yeah I've came on in the last few months, but I've still got SO far 2 go! So mixed feelings really, but at least I did it!

06-01-11, 19:53
That's brill news - doing the journey! Try and think of the positive feeling you got and not too much of the 'if's' and 'when's'. I am so pleased for you.:yesyes:

06-01-11, 20:07
Hi Emma,

That was really good – well done! :yesyes:

Forget about Glasgow for now and just focus on one step at a time. And in a way you actually did 6 stops yesterday!

It’s not the number of stops that’s important but the fact that you’re teaching your mind that trains and train journeys are perfectly ordinary and safe things to do, and that there’s nothing scary about them. Once it knows that it’s irrelevant whether it’s 2 stops or 20, because it’s just another train journey.

One encouraging thought is that the mind can learn really quickly given the right conditions, and having an incentive can really help. So perhaps you could arrange a little treat for the end of your journey, and a big reward for when you get to Glasgow :yahoo:

Take care :)

06-01-11, 20:12
You did really well Emma :hugs: and Nigel and Gaaron are right - concentrate on celebrating what you did achieve rather than thinking what you've still got to do xx

07-01-11, 09:51
Well done and can I say that I know exactly how you feel - especially when you described about bouncing up and down the platform lol - thats me too!

I manage to do 5 stops now... and believe me once you tackle this non-stop by doing it often it really does get easy, although it is extremely hard and physical draining at the start. I think you have already done amazing - keep going and one day 9 stops will be a breeze :)

08-01-11, 19:37

You should be really proud of yourself , well done. I know how you are feeling Im trying to get back up to london (8 stops) and I have done two stops also. I did this for three days in one week until i felt my anxiety at a 2 out of ten. This week im going to attempt three stops. Remember baby steps we need to build our confidence.

Julie x

Eva May
08-01-11, 22:35
So jealous of you Emma :D I keep saying I'll take the train from where I live to the next stop which is maybe 7 minutes away at the most and have someone waiting for me in the car but I have myself absolutely convinced that the train will stop halfway between stations for some reason and I'll be stuck so I'm seriously well impressed by you :) :)

08-01-11, 22:42
om gosh well done. dont worry about the future or the pat a my cbt lady say ts the now taht matters and rght now you achoeved something you probably thought woulkd never happen again (if you are like me) also my cbt says i dwell too much on the negative which ounds like what you just did.

Be proud of what you achieved its such a positive and remember that your getting better and you will achieve all you want to cos by doing the train like that you have proved you have the determination xx


08-01-11, 23:19
Thanks for all the replies and encouragement, it means so much to know that people care :)

Ambers - u r amazing! Uve done 5 stops - that's my goal for the end of next week! I'm setting myself weekly and monthly goals, and I want 2 have achieved 5 stops by next week!

Julie - let's work on this together!!! U get 2 London, and I'll get 2 Glasgow! :D

Eva May - that was 1 of my huge worries - what if the train stops half way and I can't get off, but worse than that, that no help can get 2 me. It's still 1 of my big fears. What I try 2 think is that I've been getting trains for years now, and not once has this happened. Also, there will always be someone who will help u, whether it's a kind passenger, or the train conductor, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether there's anyone there or not, because the only person who can stop ur panic attack, is u (much easier said than done, I KNOW!!!) lol.
