View Full Version : Help me, Dizziness all day, tingleling, nausea

05-01-11, 01:16
hi guys, i am 27 yr old female, for the last 5 days i have had constant dizziness like twice a min, im getting tingleing in my mouth/ lips, the other night i was moving my eyes and had to run to bed so i didnt throw up. I went to my doctor and she said come back in ten days and will do a blood test. she said it was hyperventilation, also said it was nothing to do with my brain as she made me do a few cordernatino tests. If it is hyperventilation did i just stat beathing differently 5 days ago? i know i breath shallow but thats whats comfotable fo me. I was having some anxitey medication a few weeks ago but stopped it becasue of the side effects, and i dont feel like i need it anymore anyways, im dealing with my son much better now (he has adhd) so any thoughts would be great thanks.


paula lynne
05-01-11, 01:24
Hi Jade, welcome to the forum. All your symptoms sound like anxiety, and maybe your brain is adjusting to not having the anxiety meds? I get tingling in my mouth lips and chin nearly everyday, its not pleasant, but you can handle it. Try re-breathing into a paperbag, this helps the carbon dioxide/oxygen imbalance when you hyperventilate, and should help the tingling and panic feelings x:welcome:

05-01-11, 01:40
Hi, thanks, thing is im not hyperventilating? the tingleing i can handle its the dizzyness every min, i try and walk somewhere without falling over all the time, i get dizzy every min, and my nausea is getting wose too :-(

paula lynne
05-01-11, 01:55
Hi, a lot of people think hyperventilating is gulping for air/gasping for air....its not, its shallow breathing. You wont even be aware its even happening. I still think its anxiety, and nausea is part of this too. Read the info in the left hand column on anxiety and panic....lots of symptoms just as you describe. All caused by anxiety and hyperventilating. Nite x

05-01-11, 02:07
Thankyou, i will, i just had two st johns wort anyways hopefully that will help.. ( its lunch time here ) lol