View Full Version : Fear of Heart Attack

05-01-11, 01:38
Does anyone else have a terrible phobia of having a heart attack? Every little symptom I get I feel like is a heart attack. When I hear stories about it, I'm terrified. This fear has been haunting me for many years. Even though a recent EKG was normal except for a minor, harmless defect.

05-01-11, 02:17
I think 99 and 9/10 percent of us on here is terrified of a heart attack.... you are in good company.I had a perfect long long ekg.. and im still worried.. Michael

05-01-11, 07:55
That's the driver that started much of my anxiety I think after my dad died of one. 4 years on, I'm not dead and still on occasions worry about it.

05-01-11, 10:35
Hi Guys!

Sorry to say but I am glad that I am not alone in this. Some days are better than others. My dad died of a HA 11 years ago. I am only 32 but scared to death that I may get one too. Any vague, "funny" feeling I get in my chest makes me anxious! Problem is that anxiety symptoms often "feels" like what we think a HA should feel like... We know better and we know to treat these as "feelings". However, once we get panicky, we go into "HA" mode immediatly!

What I know is that with or without medication, it is a battle of the mind! If you can change the strong, negative thoughts to strong, positive thoughts, you will be happy for the rest of your life! We tend to be very one-track minded about this. Think of the amount of times we thought we were having a heart attack. Think of how many hours we have wasted at GP's rooms, hospitals, at home or in a corner somewhere. Purely because we have this irrational fear!

Guys, let's try to get our minds to think in a different way!

Who is with me?

05-01-11, 15:56
me my dad died from one when i was 18 so 5 years ago and im worried sick about it happening to me every day i think it will ive had loads of ecgs 24hr monitioring and 2 echos and i still think theres something wrong x