View Full Version : 4 days without mirtazipine

05-01-11, 05:27
Today is day 4 of not taking any tablets, I am trying to get of Mirtazipine 'cold turkey'. Woke up feeling a bit nervous but nothing I cant handle, feeling a bit tired not as alert as when I was on the tablets. I have been on the tables now for 3 years and I cut down to taking a 30mg every second night for a year, so now I thought while it was school holidays I would try to get off them for good. Over the 3 years I have put on 18kg.
I would love to hear anyone else's feelings on the topic. My psychiatrist suggested I come off them cold turkey, because 15mg a day isn't a therapeutic dose and it makes you feel doubley sedated.

05-01-11, 05:28
Hi capricorn

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.