View Full Version : food allergies

april tones
24-03-06, 21:49
just out of interest does anyone have food allegies? i think or well know im intolerent top wheat
i bloat out really bad! and put pounds on in minutes after eating! this is because you willl hold water then! i have fone my reading!
i think this probably can cause palps x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

24-03-06, 21:52
Hi funny you mention this, but a friend at work suggested I might have a wheat intolerance. I get very bloated after lunch and feel uncomfortable for th erest of the day/night. Can I get tested at the doctors?
Love Helen

april tones
24-03-06, 22:00
well im not sure. dont think they do it or believe?
i done elimenation myself. noticed i blted after eating pasta,bread etc
there is so many things with wheat and gluten in x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

24-03-06, 22:09
Hi - I know a bit about this!

Many people are wheat/gluten intolerant and in fact as many as 1 in 100 people actually suffer from Coeliac's Disease which is gluten-allergy. Over long periods of time, people with Coeliac's suffer damage to the villi in the gut which inhibits the absorption of vitamins and minerals and therefore people get depleted, anaemic, and generally unwell, usually with the bloating and digestive problems and sometimes with an associated rash called Dermatits Herpetiformis.

In order to be diagnosed a blood test must be taken while you are eating gluten which shows up anti-bodies called anti-gliadins. This test is fairly accurate but there are many false negatives, up to 10%. The only certain diagnosis involves an endoscopy - a small biopsy taken from the gut, most people find this a completely painless experience.

Coeliac's must never eat gluten again and it is harder than you think!

I had my biopsy done 2 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with ME 17 years ago but always had bad digestive problems as well and discovered how incredibly better I felt doing the Atkins diet, came off gluten and felt really good. Unfortunately I had to eat gluten again for over 2 months in order to get the test done and boy was it horrible!!! It really ran me down into the ground and to be honest I KNOW I am intolerant and the most significant difference is mood and bloating. However that doesn't mean I have Coeliac's. If I am intolerant I can 'cheat', if I have Coeliac's I can't!!!

It is surprisingly common, hereditary and if undiagnosed can lead to some nasties so is worth checking out.

Hope this helps!

Fee xxxxxx

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24-03-06, 23:21
I dont personally hun but my daughter Sam does but she is still having tests to see what it is that affects her. She comes out in what to me looks like really bad nettle stings but i also notice that her mood changes and she become very aggrevated.

Love Sal xx

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