View Full Version : what would you do ?

05-01-11, 11:41
To cut a long story short, I went on Seroxat when I was 24 when my parents split up, I was desperate and in truth they gave me my life back. However the doc kept me on them for 10 years and to tell the truth I asked to come off them cause I wanted soo much to have a baby. It took me three years to finally come off of it, going down to liquid form to make the cuts easier. Well my deram came true cause I had my little girl, who is now 2. In July 2009 I lost my dad to a massive heart attack aged 62, since then my anxiety has esculated to the point where I am considering medication again ( i swore I'd never take them again) I have an appointment at the docs tomorrow. She put me on propronol in May last year which helped with palps but I'm at the end of my tether. I just want to live a normal life. I have a holiday booked to go to Thailand with some friends for a week in Feb but i am dreading it rather than looking forward to it. It has got to the stage where anxiety is ruling my life ... should I ask the doc to give me some meds tomorrow, I;m soo scared, but I remember how much they helped last time... what one would you recommend. Had full blood count done, all ok. Doc says nothing wrong with my heart cause they would have found out when i was pregnant ! Thanks for any advice :)

05-01-11, 11:45
sorry posted twice, didn't know which forum to put this in.

05-01-11, 11:52
Sweetie - you have been through an awful lot. I understand your resistance to taking meds again. I have said that so many times.
But here I am back on meds.

Was it worth it - you bet, I wasted most of 2010 with anxiety and panic.

You have had a big emotional trauma to get through, your body has been through so much.

Don't beat yourself up about taking meds if it helps. It's possible that taking meds will give you the strength to deal with your grief.

Go and discuss your options with your GP, You DONT have to agree to anything but you do need to share how you are feeling. Might we worth asking for some counselling too to help.

You deserve your holiday, you owe it to yourself and your dad would want you to move on with your life.
I hope that doesn't sound cold its not meant too.

Good luck sweetie and we are here anytime for youxx

mr badger
05-01-11, 12:17
+1 for what (not so)ditzygirl says.

I resisted meds for the last 9 years, didn't spot a relapse coming on and now I'm back on them. So far so good and certainly couldn't manage without them.

05-01-11, 14:38
Hi Cookie

Just read your post, there is so much in it i can relate to. I was first prescribed seroxat in 1995 after the birth of my daughter. I stayed on these for 14 years only coming off them in 2009, (horrendous withdrawal), Anyway, I managed to come off them in april 2009. My dad died in june 2009, my mum took unwell the same year and with one thing after another, no surprise my anxiety came back with a bang in August this year. I am now back on seroxat, and once again it has given me my life back. I know GP's are reluctant to prescribe these meds now, due to the withdrawal and i was reluctant to start them again, but they worked before and appear to be working again. Good luck at your GP's and take care x

05-01-11, 15:03
Thanks soo much for your replies, it has helped no end ! Elaine, your right when you say seroxat was horrendous to get off, the docs were of not much use to me at all, they thought I could taper off over a two week to four week period!!! It took me nearly three years to wean off with the liquid form and a whole lot of research but in the end was successful !!! I am now right back to where I started again when I was 24 (now 38) :weep:. I have to agree that at the time the meds really did give me my life back. I have tried for about 14 months to try and sort it out for myself but just find myself spiralling further down. I'll have a chat with doc tomorrow but I think it's time for some help again.

05-01-11, 16:10
Sweetie explain to your GP about attemting to come off Seroxat. I was not very good with that or Citalopram. Sertraline however has been a totally different experience. Haven't tried coming off it but I can't think that far ahead just now.

Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you get on.

Don't look back hun, go get a little help and then in the end you will come out of this stronger. You will seexx

06-01-11, 13:34
well just got back from teh docs, she's really nice. She has put me on 50mg of sertraline, she said that this was one of the quicker working ones, lets hope so, can't go on like this any more. Really didn;t want to go back on meds, but I'm not gonna beat myself up about it any more, I need to get a handle on this for the sake of my little girl. Just took the first one, feel quite spaced out, kinda drunk lol..... does anyone know how long the side effects last for ??

06-01-11, 14:57
My first 10 days were like that, very tired, anxiety was increased but that is all normal. by day 14 i felt completely different. I did have a little nausea too but kept eating little and often and it passed very quickly.

I had a llittle blip and I mean little, at 4 weeks but THAT does NOT mean you will lolx

For me this drug has caused me the least side effects and probably the best results.

I visited my GP every couple of weeks too, just to build up a relationship - we all need a little support and reassurance and it worked for me. Still seeing GP monthly which I am finding really helpful.

Some people on here have no side effects with this drug so try to keep an open mind.

Good luck sweetie and well done for going and getting some help.

Its hard to ask for help so you should be really proud of yourself.

Here if you need anythingxxx