View Full Version : Feel strange

05-01-11, 13:56
Hi I know this is goin too sound daft too everyone but I've fealt strange past couple of days. Xmas has been a proper nightmare my anxietys been thru the roof causing so many panic attacks. But the past couple of days I've fealt calm and quite good and wanted too do more things. I sleapt well last night for the first time in years. It's like I'm on diazapam or something I feel calm and it's scareing the he'll out of me at the same time it's like a nervous relaxed feeling.I've been off anti depressants for 3 months now and don't take any legal or illegal drugs or drink. I've also been talking too people more. Which I've been told I used too be like before all this anxiety. I remeber as a child I had burst eardrums and used too be in agony but as soon as I'd taken painkillers and the pain stopped I used too talk alot and feel calm.is this just relife from anxiety?. It just doesn't feel right too be calm anymore my brains just telling me stupid things like I'm bipolar that's why my moods changed. Does anyone else ever experience this thanks

05-01-11, 15:35
Just relief from anxiety. Don't worry about bipolar. If you were bipolar you'd feel elated and you wouldn't be sleeping! If you feel calm it's relief from the anxiety (or rather the anxiety is milder). Try to feel good about it. I think it's quite common for people to feel strange when they suddenly feel calm but it's a good thing!

Hope you're feeling well.

mr badger
05-01-11, 19:56
Yup. Enjoy it while it's with you. Sounds like a surge of energy after all the anxiety,