View Full Version : Funny Turn

05-01-11, 14:50

I suffer from GAD and currently take 30mg seroxat and 100mg seroquel. Today when out walking the dog i took what i called a funny turn, the first thing i noticed was weakness in my right arm and then what i could only describe as something passing through me head which caused me to feel dizzy. This ended up with me having a panic attack, although this didn't last long it has left me feeling very scared and unsettled. Has this every happened to anyone

05-01-11, 15:16
I would probably say this was a surge of adrenaline, had this on and off a lot on Sunday, left me feeling really weak, especially in my arms and legs. Take care.

05-01-11, 23:54
I second what cookie has said - adrenaline. I get this as well. I got told on this site its just the adrenaline. They still scare me though!

mandie x

06-01-11, 12:34
Thanks you both for your replies, bloody anxiety throws so many strange symptoms. Need to calm down.