View Full Version : Panichound

05-01-11, 15:01
I'm a panic hound, hounded by the darkest of my inner voices.

Am I to die like this, every day, just to wake up and do it again?

I'm a panic hound, guided by my fears into the depths of feeling drowned

Suffocated. Smothered by the feeling of feeling too much.

I'm a panic hound, scared of the sound of my own heart beating against my ribs, check my pulse please somebody realize I'm wasted, I'm on my way out surely. I'm poorly, sick as a dog and broken, emotions scattered on the floor like broken tiles and dust, head full of bad dreams.

Trust. Trust, is just a word spoken by the people who don't need it, I bleed it hands in the air trying to trust in what I must but the image of a safe me isn't there... ever watchful I know that it's just round the corner.

I'm in hospital getting checked out, green lights, go out into the cold night air, I didn't die today. Not today, I got my fix it's not attention it's my souls scream from a lonely well in the bottomless pit of my own boutique hell.

I'm a panic hound, held by the forces of nature and the passing of time.

Time I'm wasting feeling sick for no good reason.

Forgive me God for making this my life, not enjoying all your bounties and getting on with things.

Just another broken robot for your collection.

Panic hound....

05-01-11, 15:02
Hi Panichound

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-01-11, 23:17
I'm also a panic hound. Though you can only describe your panic experiences from the surface, I know the abysmal depth of this problem. Together we will hopefully solve this, just have hope. Surrender to the world, release and relax...

paula lynne
06-01-11, 23:21
Welcome Panichound, youll find lots of support and advice here. What a desperately sad and emotional introduction. I wish you success on the road to wellness. Paula x:welcome:

07-01-11, 14:11
Thanks, it's a bit stupid but I had to post to get onto chat, couldn't think of anything to say....used to be on phobics awareness, it was just the first place i found to be honest, but they had a good chat room full of good people.

Then they ruined it.

Had every anxiety and panic related problem known to mankind, currently riding through a
choking/throat cancer period, whether it is real or imagined remains to be seen.

Aint life grand. Best wishes to everyone.

Yours insanely,


Vanilla Sky
07-01-11, 21:42
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x