View Full Version : Surreal feeling when kissing? anxiety? something else? please?

05-01-11, 15:05
this might sound a little weird, or just something im making up, but im being very serious here.

Me and my girifriend have been going out for around 7 weeks now. Weve been kissing each other everytime we see each other. Which is usually everyday at college.

Now, until last week, everything was fine and the kissing was great.
However, once night we went out for a walk, it was all great and we were kissing the majority of the night. Towards the end of the night, for some reason i all of a sudden out of nowhere got this really surreal feeling, as though nothing around me was real. It was really scary. I managed to snp myself out of it by stopping kissing, and walking around a little.

Anyway, i put this to one side, and thought nothing of it.

Now, we saw each other a few days later, and the kissing started off fine again, however this time, it only took about half the time it took on the first time for this feeling to come on again, and it also felt stronger.
Again, i just shook it off.

Now, weve just seen each other again, and on the third kiss we had, (all three short kisses) i got the feeling yet again, it seems to becoming more frequent.

This feeling is awful, and i HAVE to stop kissing and move around a bit for it to go. It seems to start from the movement of moving our heads together.

I was wondering if anybody has ANY idea what this strange thing could be? im seriously not joking about it.

could it be some sort of anxiety, or panic attack im bringing onto myself, and the more it happens, the more i think about it and the more it happens?

Could it be something else?
I know this sounds out of the blue,
could it to do with my blood levels or something?

Thanks in advance,

05-01-11, 15:56
OMG!! I had this problem with one of my exes! (That sounded really bad I havn't had loads ;s) I totally forgot about it til now and you've just reminded me!

Everytime we kissed I'd get that EXACT feeling you just described and I had to stop kissing too. Idk what causes it, maybe cuz I loved him so much and got too excited/nervous? Maybe anxious too cuz it was the kind of relationship where my tummy flipped everytime I saw him and I just felt all funny. I didn't have anxiety back then either so I didn't worry about it at all at the time.

I don't think it would be anything physical cuz I had this nearly 2 years ago now and I've been fine with kissing the boyfriends I had since! Probably thinking about it and expecting it to happen is making it happen more often, maybe you're not completely relaxed with her yet so you're getting nervous which is setting it off?

Sorry if that post is no help lol, just can't beleive that someone else has had this too! xx