View Full Version : Thrush and infections everywhere!

05-01-11, 15:20
For the last couple of years I've had near constant bacterial and fungal infections (being anxious I feared HIV for a while but I've sort of forgotten about that!)

I only get mild infections such as gum disease and fungal infections on my eyelids, knuckles and vaginal thrush but it's so annoying! Constantly itchy and uncomfortable! They're never really severe and I usually only have a couple of irritating but mild symptoms (although tests come up positive so I know what it is).

My dentist tells me there's nothing wrong with my teeth and the infections are just because I'm run down. She told me to get more rest and take better care of myself.

All of the infections go away by themselves after some time then come back again so I've stopped treating them (too expensive for all that medicine).

Anyway, it's getting on my nerves and I think my boyfriend's getting sick of my quite frequently bad breath (whenever I get a gum infection) so I was wondering if anybody else is being blighted by mild infections? I've been told it's just from me being run down but I don't feel that bad at the moment and yet I've just come out in a rash across my eyelids. Is there anything I can do to boost my immune system?

12-01-11, 02:27
I can completely relate! I have constant yeast infections for at least 6 years now, almost montly sometimes. I've been really anxious about them lately (and like you used to be i'm currently paranoid about hiv from that...waiting for my test results to come back to ease my mind). I'm from canada and use a brand of acidophilus called Tu-Zen, I'm not sure how it's been doing for my yeast infections though...I hadn't thought about that too much, but it helps my ibs. My GP has always told me to eat yogurt (can't anymore since dairy hates me), and take acidophilus for yeast.

ps...my bf's getting slightly annoyed at me always having yeast and him consequently having to treat himself for it too. I do notice that if he doesn't I almost immediately get it back again.

12-01-11, 12:54
Relieved someone else is having the same thing, though obviously, sorry to hear it!

When no one answered this post there was a part of me thinking - "oh my God, they're not answering because they think I have HIV and they don't know how to break it to me!"

My silly mind. :) Unfortunately I eat a lot of yoghurt anyway so I'm not sure that's my answer. Think all of this got worse after I had to take antibiotics for three months, though. Maybe it just takes a while for your natural balance to right itself.

My boyfriend REFUSES to get tested for thrush or treat it. I'm not sure why, he isn't usually the difficult type. He seems to be scared of the whole thing for some reason! I've given up trying to get him to go to a GUM clinic. He's nearly 30 and has never been tested but refuses to think there's any possibility he could be carrying anything, despite the fact lots of things are symptomless! So annoying! (And selfish if you ask me....)

12-01-11, 12:57
Acidophilus is a good shout (try capsules), especially if you've had a lot of antibiotics. I'm also trying selenium to boost my immune system. I know it's a different thing butI haven't had a cold or flu all winter x

12-01-11, 13:15
Thanks both for the acidiphilus recommendation. I've just been trying to find out about it. Is it a probiotic? Do you mean like Danone or something?

12-01-11, 13:24
Yes, it's a probiotic

12-01-11, 13:29
Cheers :D

12-01-11, 15:40
up until 2 years ago i had suffered with vaginal thrush, i had every month, just after i ovulated until 2-3 days after my period started, it was very severe, very itchy sore and uncomfortable, it would make me wake in the night and stop me from sleeping, i used all sorts of treatments but the next month it would come back, i suffered like this for 10 years, never found a cause, and strangely when i got really ill and bedridden as i am now, it just went away and only makes an appearance now if i have to have anti-biotics.
Katie x

13-01-11, 10:43

i have just tried Garlic supplements for the yeast infections (THRUSH) ECT BLOODY HELL it really works garlic destroys the fungal parasites in the gut I recommend it to everyone... . tesco do a tub for 97p at first take three a day and the reduce down when feeling better. then take one a day for maintainance. Garlic is also good for your ammune system and heart so win win....

14-01-11, 12:32
I suffer with thrush and other things down below, like BV, every month, i keep buying canestan, is there actually a cure? is it stress related? ive noticed that i haven't had a cold for a long time, despite being stressed and run down, and i normally get colds alot...is this common? I think maybe adrenaline that pumps round your body when stressed keeps things away, but instead of colds i get other things, like thrush..

14-01-11, 13:56
Don't quote me on this but I believe the way it works is that being run down can have a bit of an effect on your immunity but that doesn't make it more likely you'll catch things. Whether you catch a cold is down to luck, it's how bad you react to the cold that tells you how your immunity is. Thrush, however, is caused by a yeast that is always there ready to attack, so when your defences are down it can get in there and start causing mischief!

Like I say, don't quote me, but I think this is why we get thrush when run down but not necessarily viruses. I don't know for definite that stress makes it more likely to catch thrush but I've always presumed it does.