View Full Version : Severe pain in right side of abdomen

05-01-11, 17:02
just had a real bad pain come on all down my right side. from my armpit all down thr right side and into right side of back to.
I had an unusual "period" bout two weeks ago. it was light, painless, and the blood was a light brown (looked like dirreoheoa)
really worried i have cancer. it is sore to press were it is hurting to.

05-01-11, 17:03
the pain is easing now (was really bad for 2 minutes) but sore to press against (and tender on left side to)

05-01-11, 17:36
freaking out about cancer etc. the pain was really bad lol. and when i breathe in i feel pain on left side underneath my breasts :S.
Also still getting the weird head pains at the moment its hurting in left eye and above that. really scared lol.

05-01-11, 17:49
Cancer at your age - your seventeen; right? - is incredibly rare so I wouldnt be worrying about that hun. More likely to be a sore muscle; anxiety makes you very tense! Nothing a nice warm bath; hot chocolate; ibuprofen etc wont sort! As for the head symptoms; I'd say sinusitis - not nice but again easily fixed with a quick visit to the chemist or GP. Keep up with the vix and the steam inhalation :) .. As for the periods; I've had that too - anxiety and stress can send your hormones all over the place! I've had that pain on breathing in too and I dare say thats just muscles too! Hope u feel better soon; pm if you need to chat x

05-01-11, 17:52
thank you daisy cake. Can i ask why do i need to visit my GP for sinus issues? i was thinking if i still have it on monday to give them a ring. ? do you think that is to late or ok to go on with steam inhaltion for now?

05-01-11, 17:53
the pain in my side had me leaning over in pain clutching my side for a about a minute

05-01-11, 17:56
Just cos its generally easier to get medicine that way; sometimes they'll give you something on prescription - like Sudafed or something.. Maybe do as you suggested; give it a few days and then see! You'll be fine hun :winks: I once had pain so bad that I was leaning on the worktop in the kitchen crying at 2am; Ibuprofen and a hot drink fixed it though.. Cramp - which it sounds like - can be very very sore and can definitely leave the area quite tender to press on. Do u get a lot help with the anxiety? x

05-01-11, 18:08
getting cramp like pain in middle lower abodmen now :( took some pain killers an hour ago so dont know why it has suddenly come on.
I dont get much help with my anxiety. My friends dont understand it one just says "well if you handt started thinking you were ill it wudnt of happened so its ur own fault" lol. My mum n dad also dont understand how hard it is. I keep most things to my self. I am getting referred to a counseller by my GP though so hopefully it will be helpful.

Also every once in a while i get a feeling like my throat is closing up (it lasts less than a second though)

05-01-11, 18:15
about sinus issues i dont really get a runny nose but a pain in my nose and sometimes throat pain.

05-01-11, 18:15
infact i only get a runny nose when out in the cold

05-01-11, 18:38
Yeah friends can be like that lol; I didnt tell any of mine until two or three weeks ago - and even that was only because I was getting an ecg and was aware that my friend had had a lot of them in the past too; wanted to ask about them cos I was bricking it! I guess its tough for people who arent anxious as they probably dont understand why its so hard to just stop worrying. If that makes sense.. But you're on the right path re: seeking counselling; I hope it goes well :) gd luck x

05-01-11, 18:40
No I never get a runny nose with a sinus infection either; just a pressure between my eyes and on my forehead - with occasional shooting pains (ice pick headaches). Can be really sore but sitting on the PC all the time; with a tense face too; can make it a whole lot worse! x

I'd reckon if you find something that really distracts you - like chatting to mum/dad about something totally different or something like that - that will help you a lot and you'll feel a bit better x

05-01-11, 18:53
also my whole head feels sore to touch lol.

05-01-11, 18:53
thanks, hoping a bath later will help the tense muscles. :)