View Full Version : Agoraphobia sufferer seeks advice

05-01-11, 18:19
Hello everyone I have just joined this site today in the hope I can talk with similar people who have the same problem I do.

Here is my story so far,

The first panic attack I had was when I was 15, I was on holiday in Spain with my parents. They had gone away on a day trip and had left me alone for the day, I was excited at this prospect and woke up to enjoy a cigarette and a can of coke (now I realise these 2 things are a recipe for disaster) on the balcony with no one around to catch me. It caused my first panic attack.... palpitations, a sense of being out of my body, shaking hands, a feeling to run.. a proper one, as those that have had one will know.

The holiday rep took me to the local clinic, I thought I was having a heart attack, the doctor gave me a shot of vallium and I instantly felt ok, a bit dazed but ok.

On returning to the UK I went for a heart check up, nothing untoward there, the doctor told me I had suffered a panic attack and advised me to stop taking caffeine, which I have managed to do this day, (I'm 30 now).

The years passed, I had the odd attack, usually in situations I didn't feel comfortable in, like crowded buses, trains, and sometimes just out of the blue for no real reason at all. I could cope with these attacks, I would sit somewhere quiet and let them pass (I have never taken medication by the way).

Then as time went on the avoidance of situations I had had an attack in got more common, and now the long and short of it is I can't walk anywhere really without worrying about having a panic attack. It used to be ok, I would not think about it until it actually happened but now it plagues my thoughts.

I use my car as a 'safety zone' and can't really go anywhere without it.. for example if I have to go to the supermarket I will never be able to get a bus into town on my own and do it,,, it would have to be planned like a military operation, park as near to the entrance as possible, walk round like a mad man getting what I need and leave asap. It really is getting bad now and I would like some advice from some of you out there that have had this agoraphobia and managed to cure themselves. I have heard of cbt and tried exposing myself to the situations I fear but am rubbish at it.

The only time I can cope with this problem is when I have had a couple of beers (I'm aware this is called self medicating).. I can go anywhere and do anything once I have taken the edge off with 4 or 5 pints, but obviously drink is not the answer.

Through avoidance and literally planning my every move I have stayed panic free for a couple of years, but without my car I would be home bound. Its really strange it's like mobile safety zone :-).

If I left my house to walk all the way into town that would be my idea of hell, It's like I'm on a string and need to run home as soon as I feel the panic setting in... anyway I could go on forever, but any people who suffer similar agoraphobia problems would be great to hear from you.


05-01-11, 18:20
Hi Timetosortthis

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
05-01-11, 18:28
Hi Mark, welcome aboard. I, along with many members, suffer with agoraphobia. Lots of members here are also recovering, and some are completely recovered. Dont give up on wellness, its possible.

Personally i had issues with alcohol, and still have bad days, feel free to PM me in this regard. Ive had panic and anxiety for 10 years. 5 years ago I was totally trapped in my house, couldnt even answer the phone. Last year I went to London, Lincoln, a Spa, and a camping holiday for a week (no meds, and 1 bottle of vino only consumed)!! you are not alone. Read the info on the left regarding agoraphobia, its brilliant. Nice to meet you. Paula ( aka from today...desperate housewife) x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
05-01-11, 20:07
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

05-01-11, 23:48
Mark, I understand where you are coming from. At one point, my agoraphobia had gotten so bad that even hauling the trash bin to the street left me emotionally and physically wiped out. Supermarkets were a horror and even going to a quiet restaurant was almost more than I could endure.

I did get a bit of help from reading works on anxiety and panic disorders by Dr. Claire Weekes; not quite the same as CBT but her techniques are geared toward helping sufferers cope with the situation.

The real lifesaver for me has been Xanax (alprazolam). It helps me manage the panic attacks with more success and also helps ease the intensity of the agoraphobia. Over the last year, I've regained a lot of lost ground, in terms of places I can go without worrying about having an attack.

From what I've read, not all anti-anxiety medications will help with agoraphobia; in fact, I can't think of one other than alprazolam off the top of my head. Also, if your doctor should decide an anti-depressant is in order, talk to him about Paxil, as I believe it also has some properties that aid in mitigating panic attacks and offsetting agoraphobia.

05-01-11, 23:55
Thank you everyone for your comments, it's great to join a site where people understand and are so willing to help.