View Full Version : feel like giving up!!

celia davies
05-01-11, 18:22
2 day im having a day where i just feel like giving up this fight!! i cannot live with these symptoms anymore i dont even npo if there feel i dont feel like me anymore............feel like such a bad mum worrying about myself all the time does anyone else have these symptoms all 2 gether
.dull headaches
.lower back ache
.all over stomach ache an sometimes shootin pain
.glands aching all over behind knees back of neck,throat
.balance is everywhere
.water works funny
.aching legs
.shingles keep tingling
im so scared iv got somethin serious

celia davies
05-01-11, 18:22
real anymore #

05-01-11, 22:03
Hi Celia
I just read through some of your old posts and I see that you've suffered with anxiety/panic in the past. You obviously recovered for a while and now its back again. Did that not convince you of what anxiety/panic can do to you???? Sounds to me like you're having a bit of a relapse - sometimes when we are ill with virus's, flu etc, the symptoms can bring back horrible memories. The trick is, not to panic which will make your symptoms worse.
Have you been to your doctor?? if not, go get checked out and tell him how you feel - you may needs meds in the short term.
Best wishes

celia davies
08-01-11, 21:51
yh iv bad anxiety in the past an iv just had a baby an i think it could b im feeling a bit low,its just horrible having a good patch an now this stupid symptoms again its a nightmare im thinkin iv got everythink wrong with me again its horrible x

Captain Caveman
08-01-11, 21:56
Hi Celia. Getting better is an up and down/rollercoaster ride. Setbacks are difficult to deal with at the time, but they are really good in helping people see where they are and can help propel the person to the next level of recovery. So keep persisting and I'm confident you'll start to see more and more light at the end of the tunnel:)

09-01-11, 14:41
after you have a baby yor body takes time to recover from pregnancy. So sometimes your body produces flu like symptoms, and as mentioned, if you panic it becomes much worse. if youre at odds talk to your GP. Best of health to you.

celia davies
09-01-11, 19:21
thank u xx