View Full Version : sad news

05-01-11, 20:14
One thing after another eeps happening, had probably the worst xmas ever due to receiving some very sad news. My cousin in Canada his wife had an accident xmas eve and died early hours of xmas morning. They have 3 young children 4,6,and 8 who didnt get a xmas and xmas will never be the same for them again.

On top of this now i have flu and really bad chest infection, feel aweful. But its not about me not now after whats happened just feel so upset.

eternally optimistic
05-01-11, 20:15

What terriblly sad news....

I am sorry for you and your family..

Take care.

05-01-11, 20:32
thanks, its very sad those lovely children not having there mum around anymore and for my cousin.

05-01-11, 20:36
thats awful.

:bighug1:for you and your familyxxxx

05-01-11, 20:43
thanks so much appreciate the message

05-01-11, 20:45
are you able to go to the funeral ?x

05-01-11, 20:54
ditzy the funeral took place very quickly between xmas and new year so never got chance to arrange a flight. I may go out in the summer to visit. Its just so sad for the kids they had no xmas and xmases for them will never be the same again.
I have phoned them and sent them messages and a card.
thanks for the message

blue moon
05-01-11, 20:58
Oh, that is sad ....Sending you some hugs,ljd.....:bighug1::bighug1:LOVE Petra xx:flowers:

05-01-11, 21:00
thanks so much for the message.

margaret jones
05-01-11, 21:02
What a sad thing for everyone thinking of you all x

05-01-11, 21:08
thanks for you kind message tc

paula lynne
05-01-11, 21:08
Oh my LJD that is horrific, those poor children, Im so sorry youve had this loss in your family. Im actually crying reading this....so many complex issues. All I can do is say Im thinking of them and you. I hope you feel better yourself very soon, take it easy. Dont know what else to say really...words just arent enough in this situation. x

05-01-11, 21:13
thanks for lovely message Paula lynne, its so sad and how it happened was tragic, worse and stupid....It was in all the newspapers and on TV out there, they have had so much support from the public and they have set up a trust fund for the childrens education. The children are so young and for it to happen at xmas just seems worse.

I need to get myself better too as feel so unwell... but ill get through.

paula lynne
05-01-11, 21:22
Do the children have immediate family they can be with? Its heartbreaking it really is.
A media circus is all you need.....dreadful.
My best friend (a nurse) died whilst driving to work on a cardiac ward (She was the Sister)...I was absolutely devestated for years after but what helped me accept this "accident" (a drunk driver smashed into her car and it blew up) was being around her family. I know that once you feel better you will do all you can. Thats what family and friends are for. Im so sorry. Get well soon x

05-01-11, 21:25
Hi yeh my aunt lives with them and my other cousin is near by and so are my aunts brothers they have loads of support so is good.

I am sorry to hear about your friend.

Its a shock and i feel useless being so far away, but have sent cards and phoned them a couple of times.


paula lynne
05-01-11, 21:39
You get better yourself, thats the most important thing, then youll be able to help/fly asap/or whatever else you can do. My thoughts and prayers are with you all tonight x

06-01-11, 09:18
hi Sweetie,

I wondered about the funeral. I too, have family there and lost one in a car accident a few years ago.
We had 24 hours to get there for the funeral. Looking back my mum and I have no idea how we made it happen or survived the funeral which was quite different to here.
The local canadian town where my family live were amazing - I can't tell you how supportive and helpful they were, they are much more respectful, warm and caring that us shy brits. We would never have got through it without their kindness I can tell you.
Be assured your family will be getting a lot of help and support, take a day at a time and hope you can visit soonlyx

You and your family are in my prayers hunx

06-01-11, 12:07
Terrible, terrible thing to happen Ljd. I am glad the children at least have close family with them. I hope that you manage to go out to see them soon - and that you feel better, it's a huge shock to get over xxx

06-01-11, 19:58
Thanks ditzy girl and jane for the kind message.

It is comforting to know they have loads of support out there from family, friends and the community. I feel so useless being so far away but i guess i need to get myself well before i can do much anyways.

I hate being so ill and sitting around or lying in bed should i say makes it worse as need to keep buisy. Oh well all i can do at mo is rest.

06-01-11, 20:28
What happened to us as a family was horrific, however it changed my outlook on life. The kindness we received in Canada was truely amazing.
In fact it inspired me to sell my house and relocate to a favourite place of mine. A place where I can be myself, not judged, and people have the time of day.

It also taught me that your time on this earth is very short, and I don't have much but I can always try to be kind to others, even if they are rude or nasty to me, that's there look out.

Sweetie take a day at a time and get some help in getting better if you can. You owe it to yourself and that is what GP's are for.

In the meantime there is a lot you can do to support your family. Buy, write and send cards to your family regularly. They have a lot of support just now but it takes time to come to terms with such a disaster.
Write just chatty stuff, what you are upto, what our weather is like, anything, they really do need to know you are there.

You and your family will get through this and one day something good will come of it, it doesn't feel like it just now but if you saw my families achievements after such a horrific time you would surprisedx:bighug1:

07-01-11, 10:11
sorry to hear you sad news:hugs: Things will be very difficult for the children at the moment but in time they will be happy again and christmas wont be ruined forever. It's 12 years since my cousin died on christmas eve her son was just 6 years old, he's now 18 and is growing up to be a fine young man.

Take care

07-01-11, 20:02
thanks ditzy and spaced.

It just so sad, my cousin and the children are distaught not having her around. Its hard to accept, in time i guess it will get better for them.

I still cant believe its happened and dont know if i will until i go visit them.

I just feel so upset and useless at the moment not being very well either doesnt help been in bed for few days now. more time to think about it all...

I will write to them and phone them again once iget my voice back and feel better see how there doing.

07-01-11, 20:14
I am so sorry to hear of your sad news. My thoughts are with you and your cousin and his children. Its so tragic. I can't even begin to imagine how you must all feel.

08-01-11, 20:35
Thanks for the kind message poppy appreciate it.

09-01-11, 01:52
I am so sorry. Tragic and sad news.

Hope your chest s recovering. Its hard enough to deal with a shock like this, without dealing with infection.


09-01-11, 21:38
thanks typer