View Full Version : soooo scared!!!!!!

05-01-11, 20:27
i feel so bad latelt it started the week before xmas i woke up in the middle of the night at my fiances parents house! unable to breath properly (i have had this problem for a while i feel like i have lost control over my breathing i breath quite quick and cant take a full deep breath) shaking racing heart before then i was doing ok still feeling crap but coping. ever since then i have felt truly awful no energy my breathing is worse i have been having skipped heartbeats more often i feel dizzy weak tired i really feel like there is something badly wrong with me i cant function properly!!! i have been to the dr he said he will run another B12 blood test but seems reluctant to say if it is anxiety this all first started 3 years ago im 25 im overweight been struggling to loose it for so long found out i have PCOS I have had a chest xray 2 holter monitors a heart scan breathing test ECG they found tachycardia and ectopic heartbeats im constantly checking my pulse the symtom that worries me most is not being able to breath :( im scared of dying i need to be happy and healthy for my son i really am so frightened that its not anxiety im suffering from its something thats going to kill me i used to feel safe in my own home in my own bed but now i feel crappy even here :'( your thoughts on whats up would be much appreciated thanks so much for taking the time to read this xxx:blush::unsure::weep:

05-01-11, 21:08

I can really sympathise with you right now.
I remember being this bad at the begining of my depression/anxiety, and it was not a nice place to be in.
I remember that first panic attack which just seemed to come out of the blue, but that was it....a long road ahead battling with it, on and off.
When you are in panic mode or you feel stressed i think breathing is a big issue. I hold my breath alot and this in turn makes me hyperventilate and gives me a tight chest and sore muscles.
Try getting a paper bag or cup your hands and try to control your breathing...even if just a little bit.
Anxiety zaps all your energy...i remember just wanting to sleep all the time. One, because i was like a zombie and felt on auto pilot, and two, to shut off from how i was feeling...just like you are, crap.
i am having skipped beats and have done for a few weeks and i have had these frequently for 12 years now. They still scare the hell out of me, but i try to relax towards them and they honestly do feel less intense the more i ignore them. Saying that, it's not easy to ignore them. These are the things that made me stay so depressed and was the main cause of my anxiety as i always thought my heart was going to give way.
I've had ECG's, holter monitors, bloods too and they all come back fine, except now i have high cholesterol :(, but the doctor is not taking any action, so it can't be really bad 6.7, but not sure the ratio of good/bad cholesterol. We anxiety sufferers never believe what the medics or tests say. Our minds don't let us believe them, but you need to trust them. They wouldn't tell you lies.
I am scared of death and just thinking about it brings on my ectopic beats..i understand how you feel about dying and your son as my 3 children were only 6 months, 2 1/2 and 4 yrs old whilst i was going through this and not a minute went by when those thoughts didn't cross my mind...how would they cope if i died, what if i died whilst my husband was at work....it's all thoughts added to the tired mind and then they stick and build up to something bigger. Much of mine was my thought process and how i perceived my anxiety. I went through a phase where i was scared of being alone and felt weird in my own house. It was horrible to feel frightened of familiar surroundings...i never understood it and used to get in the car and drive to my parents house to feel safe. How i managed to drive safely, i have no idea.
I was bad for roughly 6 months to a year, but that was because i didn't understand what was happening to me. Have you read Dr Claire Weekes books??? These were my bible. i carried them everywhere with me for about a year (got them from the library) and these helped me to understand everything that was happening to me...if you haven't, please do try to get hold of them.
I still suffer setbacks every so often but not as bad as they used to be.
I hated the adrenaline and still do...i can't cope with excitement either, it tires me out too.
I don't believe there is anything other that anxiety for you as it all seems to follow the same pattern/symptoms for most of us.
Just thinking that you could have something wrong is keeping you in a heightened emotion and pumping out more adrenaline making your symptons worse and prolonging them.
When you feel like this it's hard to think and find a way to calm those nerves...there is no simple answer as we all have to find our own way of calming down and desensitising those nerves. I like to sit in a quiet room now, but at the beginning this would have been impossible for me.
Do or have you been under any stress recently?
Have you had any major changes occur?
Are there any explanations for your sudden breathing episode?

Sometimes there isn't a reason. Sometimes it's just our bodies way of saying "Slow down" but in a cruel way.

I hope you can tackle this and hope these feelings don't stick around too long for you.